Course Descriptions

- A&H Interdisciplinary (CAH)
- Academic Orientation (CAS)
- Academic Orientation - Business (BTO)
- Academic Orientation - CLASS (ASO)
- Academic Orientation - Education (EDO)
- Academic Orientation - General (GSO)
- Academic Orientation - Health Sciences (HSO)
- Academic Orientation - Justice, Safety, & Military Science (JSO)
- Academic Orientation - Science (SCO)
- Accounting (ACC)
- Aerospace Studies (AFS)
- African/African-American Studies (AFA)
- Agriculture (AGR)
- American Sign Language (ASL)
- Animal Studies (ANS)
- Anthropology (ANT)
- Appalachian Studies (APP)
- Apparel Design & Merchandising (ADM)
- Applied Engineering Management (AEM)
- Art (ART)
- Art Education (AED)
- Art History (ARH)
- Astronomy (AST)
- Athletic Training (ATR)
- Aviation (AVN)
- Baccalaureate or Graduate Degree Nursing (NSC)
- Biology (BIO)
- Broadcasting & Electronics Media (BEM)
- Business (BUS)
- Business Seminars (BTS)
- Career & Technical Education (CTE)
- Career Counseling and Interpersonal Skills (GCS)
- Chemistry (CHE)
- Child And Family Studies (CDF)
- Chinese (CHN)
- College of Education & Applied Human Sciences (CED)
- College of Health Sciences (CHS)
- Communication (COM)
- Communication Sciences & Disorders (CSD)
- Communication Studies (CMS)
- Computer Information Systems (CIS)
- Computer Science (CSC)
- Construction Management (CON)
- Corporate Communication & Technology (CCT)
- Correctional & Juvenile Justice Studies (COR)
- Counselor Education (COU)
- Creative Thinking (CRE)
- Criminal Justice (CRJ)
- Criminal Justice, Policy & Leadership (CPL)
- Early Elementary Education (ELE)
- Early Elementary/Middle School (EME)
- Early Elementary/Middle/Secondary Education (EMS)
- Economics (ECO)
- Ed Leadership & Counsel Ed (EDD)
- Education - Teacher Leader (ETL)
- Education Grad Cert (EGC)
- Educational Administration (EAD)
- Educational Core (EDC)
- Educational Foundations (EDF)
- Educational Leadership & Policy Studies (EDL)
- Educational Psychology (EPY)
- Electricity/Electronics (EET)
- Emergency Medical Care (EMC)
- English (ENG)
- English Creative Writing (ENW)
- Environmental Health (EHS)
- Essential Elements of Success (EES)
- Exercise and Sport Science (ESS)
- Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS)
- Family Resource Management (FRM)
- Fermentation (FMT)
- Finance (FIN)
- Fire & Safety Engineering (FSE)
- Foreign Culture & Civilization (FCC)
- Foreign Language Studies (FLS)
- Forensic Science (FOR)
- French (FRE)
- Gastronomic Tourism (GTO)
- General Business (GBU)
- General Studies Tutoring (GST)
- Geography (GEO)
- Geology (GLY)
- German (GER)
- Global Hospitality and Tourism (GHT)
- Globalization and International Affairs (GLO)
- Graduate Degree Exit Requirements (GRD)
- Health Education (HEA)
- Health Services Administration (HSA)
- Higher Education (EHE)
- History (HIS)
- Homeland Security (HLS)
- Honors Program (HON)
- Human Services (HSR)
- Humanities (HUM)
- Informatics (INF)
- Instructional Design Learning (IDL)
- Insurance (INS)
- International Exchange Study (IES)
- Interpreter Training (ITP)
- Management (MGT)
- Manufacturing Engineering (MFE)
- Marketing (MKT)
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Master of Public Health (MPH)
- Math Education (MAE)
- Mathematics (MAT)
- Medical Laboratory (MLT)
- Medical Laboratory Science (MLS)
- Middle Grade Education (EMG)
- Military Science & Leadership (MSL)
- Music (MUS)
- Music Education (MUE)
- Music History (MUH)
- Music Theatre (MUT)
- Natural Science (NAT)
- Network Security Management (NSM)
- Networking (NET)
- Nutrition, Foods, & Foods Administration (NFA)
- Paralegal (LAS)
- Philosophy (PHI)
- Physical Education (PHE)
- Physics (PHY)
- Police Studies (PLS)
- Political Science (POL)
- Professional Golf Management (PGM)
- Professional Liability Insurance (PLI)
- Psychology (PSY)
- Public Relations (PUB)
- Safety, Security & Emergency Management (SSE)
- Secondary Education (ESE)
- Security Management (SEC)
- Social Justice Studies (SJS)
- Social Work (SWK)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Spanish (SPA)
- Special Education (SED)
- Statistics (STA)
- Student Development (GSD)
- Study Abroad (SAB)
- Study Abroad (UNP)
- Sustainability & Stewardship (ENV)
- Sustainable Hospitality (SHO)
Course Descriptions
The semester hours which may be earned by successful completion of a course are indicated in parentheses immediately following the course title, e.g., (3).
A course is offered during the semester indicated by the term‑offering designation immediately following the credit hours earned:
- I—Fall Semester
- II—Spring Semester
- A—By Announcement
A course is offered during the indicated semester or by announcement on the assumption there will be adequate enrollment. If a course does not obtain adequate enrollment, it is subject to cancellation. The University reserves the right to cancel any course if the enrollment is not sufficient, to divide a course if the enrollment is too large for efficient instruction, and to change instructors when necessary.
The description of the course format for courses which include a laboratory experience is found at the end of the course description. A course which consists of three hours of classroom lecture and two hours of laboratory per week is described as “3 Lec/2 Lab.”
Courses approved for general education are noted as such by the phrase “Gen. Ed.” and an element and number designation following the course description. Example: Gen. Ed. E-6 indicates a course which fulfills a requirement in General Education Element-6: Diversity of Perspectives and Experiences. Letters in brackets [ ] designate Kentucky statewide General Education core coding. See General Education Requirements in Section Four.