Academic Catalog

Early Elementary/Middle/Secondary Education (EMS)

EKU Campus
EMS 200.  Exploring Africa Through Play.  (3 Credits)  
(3) I. II. Prerequsite: ENG 102, Cross-Listed with AFA 200. An exploration of the diversity of Sub-Saharan Africa through an immersion in pre-colonial children's songs and games. The course aims at developing a deeper understanding and sensitivity to cultural diversity in Africa. Credit will not be awarded for both EMS 200 and AFA 200. Gen. Ed. E-6.

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EMS 300.  Curriculum and Instructional Design.  (1-3 Credits)  
Pre-requisites: ENG 101 (C), 101R (C), 102 (C), or HON 105 with a minimum grade of "C", or ENG 105 with a minimum grade of "B" or HON 102(C), EDF 203, 219, or 219W, and admission to Professional Education, Co-Requisite: CED 300 and EDC 300. In depth review of national and state curriculum, balanced assessment, and effective teaching strategies for birth-12. Backward design will be used to plan instruction. Methods and materials related to students' academic emphases will be stressed. (Course embedded and school-based clinical practice required: if students do not make the requisite passing grade of C in the content course, they must repeat that course, and also complete an additional corequisite clinical experience). Credit will not be awarded to students for both EMS 300 and 300W.

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EMS 432.  Language Arts Content, Pedagogy, and Assessment Grades 9-12.  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisites: ELE 302 with a minimum grade of "C", and admission to professional education. An examination of adolescent literacy and relevant content, standards, instructional practices, and assessments for learners at this developmental stage. A minimum of 10 field hours are required.

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EMS 474.  Disciplinary Literacy.  (1-3 Credits)  
Prerequisite: EDF 413 (C), EMS 490 (C), CED 400 (B), and admission to professional education, Corequisite: CED 450, 499 or departmental approval. Emphasis on development of disciplinary literacy competencies, selection of appropriate materials, instructional strategies and assessment.

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EMS 490.  Classroom & Behavior Management.  (1-3 Credits)  
I, II. Prerequisite: EMS 300W (C), EDC 300 (C), and Admission to Professional Education. Corequisites: EDF 413 or SED 350 (for LBD education majors) or SED 450 (for DHH majors); and CED 400. Critical analysis of the components of an effective classroom environment including establishing rules, procedures, and routines and organizing space. Emphasis on strategies to assess and monitor individual student behavior to support achievement. Course embedded and school-based clinical practice required: if students do not make the requisite passing grade of C in the content course, they must repeat that course and also complete an additional clinical experience.

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EMS 502.  Music Tech Teaching Methods.  (2 Credits)  
I. Cross listed with MUE 502/702. Prerequisite: Instructor approval. Corequisite: CED 450. Development of strategies and techniques for teaching music through digital pedagogy. Methods for developing musicianship through hands-on student involvement, as well as the use of technology to aid in instruction and delivery in the music classroom. Credit will not be awarded for both MUE 502 and EMS 502.

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EMS 561.  Environmental Education Essentials.  (3 Credits)  
A. Prerequisites: Junior-level standing, ENG 102 or ENG 105 (B) or HON 102, and MAT 105 or higher, or departmental approval. This course delves into the philosophy, historical development, resource identification and curriculum development of environmental education. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for ENV 561.

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EMS 563.  Teaching Environmental Education.  (3 Credits)  
(3) Summer Only. Appropriate methods and materials for effective environmental education in a varity of settings. Credit will not be awarded for both EMS 563 and EMS 763.

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EMS 564S.  Service Learning as Pedagogy.  (3 Credits)  
(3) A.Prerequisites: Junior-Level standing, ENG 102 or ENG 105(B) or HON 102, and MAT 105 or higher, or departmental approval. Classroom service learning strategies and techniques will be modeled. Discussion about practical application and reflection on class activities will follow. An environmental service learning project will be planned and carried out during the course. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for ENV 564S.

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EMS 565S.  Teaching in the Outdoors.  (3 Credits)  
(3) Summer Only. Basic Principles of outdoor teaching will be combined with outdoor skills and an environmental service learning investigation. Due to its content, this will be taught in workshop format during the summer semester. Credit will not be awarded for both EMS 565s and EMS 765S.

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EMS 575.  Methods for Multilingual Learners.  (3 Credits)  
A. The study of effective methods of Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL). Thirty hours of field experiences are required. This course aims to enable you to critically examine, analyze, and apply theories and methodologies used in multilingual teaching. The ultimate purpose/objective of this course is to help you acquire the pedagogical competency repertoire needed to enhance and maximize learning for your multilingual learners.

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EMS 576.  Assessment Methods for Multilingual Learners.  (3 Credits)  
(II). Prerequisite: EDF 413. This course is designed to examine the major principles and methods of assessment for multilingual learners, including standardized testing, classroom-based performance, and alternative assessment. Sociocultural issues related to assessment will also be explored. (10 hours of clinical experience required). Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for EMS 776.

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EMS 577.  Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching.  (3 Credits)  
(3) (II). The purpose of this course is to help educators develop awareness of the implications of cultural and linguistic diversity for school success as well as effective techniques for collaborating with immigrant students and families. 10 hours of clinical experience required. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for EMS 777.

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EMS 702.  Music Tech Teaching Methods.  (2 Credits)  
I. Cross listed with MUE 702. Prerequisite: Instructor approval. Development of strategies and techniques for teaching music through digital pedagogy. Ideas for developing musicianship through hands-on student involvement, as well as the use of technology to aid in instruction and delivery in the music classroom. Credit will not be awarded for both EMS 702 and MUE 702.

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EMS 761.  Environmental Education Essen.  (3 Credits)  
(3) I. This course delves into the philosophy, historical development, resource identification and curriculum development of environmental education. Credit will not be awarded for both EMS 761 and EMS 561.

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EMS 763.  Teaching Environmental Educati.  (3 Credits)  
(3) Summer Only. Appropriate methods and materials for effective environmental education in a variety of settings. Credit will not be awarded for both EMS 563 and EMS 763.

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EMS 764S.  Service Learning as Pedagogy.  (3 Credits)  
(3) A. Classroom service learning strategies and techniques will be modeled. Discussion about practical applications and reflection on class activities will follow. An environmental service learning project will be planned and carried our during the course.

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EMS 765S.  Teaching in the Outdoors.  (3 Credits)  
(3) Summer Only. Basic Principles of outdoor teaching will be combined with outdoor skills and an environmental service learning investigation. Due to its content, this will be taught in workshop format during the summer semester. Credit will not be awarded for both EMS 565S, EMS 864s, and EMS 765S.

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EMS 775.  Methods for Multilingual Learners.  (3 Credits)  
A. The study of effective methods of Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL). Thirty hours of field experiences are required. This course aims to enable you to critically examine, analyze, and apply theories and methodologies used in multilingual teaching. The ultimate purpose/objective of this course is to help you acquire the pedagogical competency repertoire needed to enhance and maximize learning for your multilingual learners.

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EMS 776.  Assessment Methods for Multilingual Learners.  (3 Credits)  
(II) This course is designed to examine the major principles and methods of assessment for multilingual learners, including standardized testing, classroom-based performance, and alternative assessment. Sociocultural issues related to assessment will also be explored. (10 hours of clinical experience required). Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for EMS 576.

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EMS 777.  Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching.  (3 Credits)  
(II). The purpose of this course is to help educators develop awareness of the implications of cultural and linguistic diversity for school success as well as effective techniques for collaborating with immigrant students and families. 10 hours of clinical experience required. Credit will not be awarded to students who have completed EMS 577.

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EMS 810.  Emerging Instructional Technol.  (3 Credits)  
I, II. Technological applications to education, training, and instruction within educational settings. Students examine, develop, and/or evaluate emerging instructional technologies.

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EMS 818.  Effective Inst Models & Pract.  (3 Credits)  
A. A course designed to help students examine, evaluate, and apply recent research findings related to effective instruction and schools.

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EMS 830.  Multicultural Pop/School Curr.  (3 Credits)  
A. Exploration of ethnic and family backgrounds, class structure, patterns of living, language characteristics, and teacher-pupil attitudes as they relate to the school experience.

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EMS 842.  Discipline & Classroom Mgt.  (3 Credits)  
A. Knowledge and skills necessary for establishing and maintaining positive relationships in the classroom; disciplinary concerns of teachers. Theoretical and tested knowledge in personal behavior and communication skills systems examined for practical and effective application.

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EMS 846.  Social Studies Investigation.  (3 Credits)  
(3) A. Critical study and application of investigative and theortical literature dealing with the teaching of social sciences.

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EMS 850.  Curr. for Leaders in Education.  (3 Credits)  
A. A course focusing on definition, planning, implementation, and assessment of P-12 curricula. Designed for students pursuing programs in Instructional Leadership.

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EMS 853.  Creativity in the Classroom.  (3 Credits)  
A. Designed to offer students experience with creativity as a necessary component in learning for the gifted as well as all children. Creativity will be modeled in class format and teaching strategies.

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EMS 854.  Soc & Emotional Dev of Gifted.  (3 Credits)  
A. Focuses on the need for affective education of gifted students in a classroom context. Candidates will examine social and emotion issues, review models, and practice differentiated classroom strategies.

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EMS 855.  Gifted and Talented Youth.  (3 Credits)  
A. Survey of the unique characteristics of gifted and talented youth, methods of identification, and educational needs.

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EMS 856.  Curr in Gifted/Talented Educat.  (3 Credits)  
A. Models for gifted and talented curriculum development, gifted and talented curriculum projects and teaching strategies, state and national curricular guidelines for gifted and talented instruction, program delivery options, and technological support are major topics.

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EMS 857.  Model Prog-Gifted/Talented Edu.  (3 Credits)  
A. Examination of school and district wide programs for gifted and talented students including program delivery options, staff development, and development of critical and creative thinking skills.

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EMS 858.  Practicum-Gifted & Talented Ed.  (3 Credits)  
A. Prerequisites: EMS 855, 856, 857. Supervised teaching experience with gifted/ talented students. Provides students opportunities to apply knowledge and skills in classroom settings. Students will participate in program planning, implementation, and evaluation.

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EMS 861.  Environmental Educ Essentials.  (3 Credits)  
A. Exploration of the philosophy, historical development, resource identification and curriculum development of environmental education.

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EMS 863.  Teaching Environmental Educ.  (3 Credits)  
A. Appropriate methods and materials for effective environmental education in a variety of settings.

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EMS 864S.  Teaching in the Outdoors.  (3 Credits)  
A. Basic principles of outdoor teaching combined with outdoor skills and an environmental issue service-learning investigation. Due to its content, this will be taught in workshop format during the summer. Service learning activities required.

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EMS 868.  Inst Tech & Mat for St Rdg Dif.  (3 Credits)  
A. Prerequisite: ELE 871, EME 873, EMG 806, or ESE 884. Methods, materials and techniques appropriate for correction of reading problems.

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EMS 870.  Literacy Consulting.  (3 Credits)  
A. An introduction to the roles, skills, responsibilities and dispositions needed for successful literacy consulting in grades 4-12.

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EMS 871.  Literacy Consulting Practicum.  (3 Credits)  
A. Prerequisite: EMS 870. Supervised experiences for literacy consultants working in schools to provide instructional support and professional development in the language arts to teachers across the curriculum.

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EMS 873.  Trends & Issues in ELA.  (3 Credits)  
(3) I. A study of current trends and issues in the six language arts: reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and visually representing. Current theories, relevant research andpractical applications are considered in relation to language arts in the K-12 classroom. (Minimum of 10 clinical hours required.)

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EMS 874.  Disciplinary Literacy.  (3 Credits)  
I II . Prerequisites: EGC 820 and EGC 830. Corequisite: CED 830. Emphasis on developmental and content area reading skills, appraisal of content reading abilities, appropriate materials, instructional strategies and assessment.

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EMS 875.  Literacy Assessment and Instruction.  (3 Credits)  
A. Prerequisite: ELE 871, or, EMG 806, or by departmental approval. Theory and implementation of assessment and instruction teaching students with a range of abilities in reading. Emphasis on assessing types and degree of reading strengths and needs, identifying contributing factors., and planning/implementing instruction to meet students’ diverse needs and skills. Field/Clinical Experiences: 10 hours.

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EMS 876.  Literacy, Leadership, and Advocacy Difficulties.  (3 Credits)  
(3) II. Prerequisites: EMS 875. A culminating course for the program, this is the study of models of literacy leadership (e.g., coaching, mentoring) and how to create need-based literacy plans to assist practicing teachers in P-12 literacy. Field/Clinical Experiences: 20 hours.

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EMS 878.  Mathematics Assessment P-12.  (3 Credits)  
(3) A. Theory of application of a constructivist approach to mathematics assessment. Emphasis on accessing types and degree of math disabilities, identifying how children construct mathematical knowledge, and planning/implementing instruction to address students' needs.

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EMS 880.  Early Ele/Middle Grd/Second Ed.  (3 Credits)  
A. Prerequisite: teaching experience. For school and college personnel concerned with improving student teaching experiences.

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EMS 889.  Specialist in Ed Capstone.  (3 Credits)  
A. Prerequisites: ETL 802 or EDL 810 and EDL 811. Completion of minimum of 24 hours in Ed.S. program. Multimedia presentation of a research project related to. Reflections on individual professional development related to Advanced Kentucky Teacher Standards.

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