Academic Catalog

Career & Technical Education (CTE)

EKU Campus
CTE 164.  Orientation to Career and Technical Education.  (3 Credits)  
A. Instruction to new technical teachers in areas of principles of instruction, lesson planning, oral instruction, instructional media, demonstrations, evaluation and follow-up. Satisfactory-unsatisfactory grading.

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CTE 204.  Related Sci Math & Tech: Occ I.  (3 Credits)  
Offered only through written examination; applicant must be eligible for vocational/technical teaching certificate.

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CTE 205.  Manipulative Skills: Occ I.  (3 Credits)  
A. Offered only through technical competence examination; applicant must be eligible for vocational/technical teaching certificate.

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CTE 206.  Related Knowledge: Occ I.  (3 Credits)  
A. Offered only through written examination; applicant must be eligible for vocational/technical teaching certificate.

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CTE 261.  Foundations of Career and Technical Education.  (3 Credits)  
A. For in-service career and technical teachers. A study of the historical, philosophical, economical, sociological, and psychological foundations of career and technical education related to elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education. Credit will not be awarded for both CTE 261 and 262.

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CTE 262.  Foundations of Career and Technical Education (Pre-Service).  (3 Credits)  
A. Co-Requisite: EDF 310 (1)-Enrollment in a late term section is preferred. For pre-service career and technical teachers. A study of the historical, philosophical, economical, sociological, and psychological foundations of career and technical education related to elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education. Credit will not be awarded for both CTE 262 and 261.

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CTE 302.  New Developments in Industry.  (1-6 Credits)  
A. Concurrent enrollment in approved industry sponsored course. One hour credit for each week of enrollment (minimum of 20 class hours per week). Student required to present proof of completion and to develop a teaching unit on the new development. May be retaken provided the industry sponsored school is different. Graded on a satisfactory- unsatisfactory basis. Only in-service vocational education teachers may enroll.

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CTE 303.  Career and Technical Education Staff Exchange.  (2-9 Credits)  
A. Prerequisite: departmental approval. For in-service career and technical teachers enrolled in an approved staff exchange program designed to update technical skills and knowledge in an occupational setting. Assignments include verifying contact hours, site visit, narrative summary, and lesson development. First week of exchange is equal to two semester hours of credit with one additional hour of credit for each additional week. Satisfactory-unsatisfactory grading.

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CTE 304.  Rel Sci Math & Tech in Occ.  (3 Credits)  
A. Offered only through written examination; applicant must be eligible for vocational/technical teaching certificate.

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CTE 305.  Manipul Skills Occupation II.  (3 Credits)  
A. Offered only through technical competence examination; applicant must be eligible for vocational/ technical teaching certificate.

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CTE 306.  Related Knowledge: Occ II.  (3 Credits)  
A. Offered only through written examinations; applicant must be eligible for vocational/technical teaching certificate.

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CTE 361.  Course Materials in Career and Technical Education.  (3 Credits)  
A. The preparation of instructional materials and instructional techniques, including the development and use of instructional media. The content will include the development of curricula at appropriate levels of education and appropriate laboratory activities.

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CTE 363.  Evaluation in Career and Technical Education.  (3 Credits)  
A. Methods of evaluation, preparation of measuring devices; methods of assessing technical competency; interpretation of standardized test results; statistical analysis of test data and the improvement of instruction.

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CTE 364.  Methods in Career and Technical Education.  (3 Credits)  
A. Presentation and application of instructional materials, methods, techniques, and devices relevant to teaching technical subjects.

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CTE 463.  Practicum in Career and Technical Education.  (4-12 Credits)  
A. Prerequisites: CTE 361, 363, 364. Observation, participation and supervised teaching in vocational and technical education. Includes experiences in lesson planning, classroom management, record keeping, development and use of instructional materials and directed teaching in approved centers. Students are graded on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis.

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CTE 800.  Occupational Tng Materials.  (3 Credits)  
A. Instructional materials designed for the adult learner to include: the preparation and application of individualized learning packets; the identification and application of instructional computer software; the development and application of video instructional programs; organization and application of instructional sequences.

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CTE 801.  Occupational Training Methods.  (3 Credits)  
A. An examination and development of training methods in occupational programs. Content will include an analysis of learning student and occupational needs, objectives, syllabi and lesson preparation and an overview of teaching methods.

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CTE 802.  Occupational Trng Practicum.  (6 Credits)  
A. A course designed to allow the trainer the opportunity to provide instruction to trainees in a real life setting.

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CTE 810.  Orientation to Occupational Ed.  (3 Credits)  
A. Instruction for new technical teachers in the areas of learning theory, instructional design and delivery, assessment, and classroom/laboratory management.

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CTE 861.  Supervision in CTE.  (3 Credits)  
A. Principles, objectives, methods, techniques, and practices of supervision; selection and organization of instructional materials; planning and equipping facilities; and professional and in-service education as they relate to supervision of technical, vocational, and general industrial education programs.

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CTE 862.  Philosophy of the CTE.  (3 Credits)  
II. Background, purpose, history, and philosophies of career and technical education; relationship to general education; effects of legislation for career and technical education.

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CTE 863.  Org and Admin of CTE.  (3 Credits)  
A. Organization of career and technical education on the local, state, and national level; federal legislation in technical education; federal state relationships; types of technical education programs and schools.

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CTE 864.  Tech Edu Facility Planning.  (3 Credits)  
A. Principles and practices underlying the planning and designing of laboratories for technical education. Students are required to design a multilaboratory facility which complies with existing safety and health laws.

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CTE 865.  Evaluation in Technical Edu.  (3 Credits)  
A. Strategies and methods for evaluation in technical education; identification and analysis of context, input, process, and outcomes; preparations, use and analysis of measuring instruments.

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CTE 888.  Occupational Information.  (3 Credits)  
Occupational information associated with careers to include: Types of work performed, qualifications and preparation required, the type of organizations where employment is available, work conditions, annual earnings, and employment outlook.

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