Academic Catalog

Manufacturing Engineering (MFE)

EKU Campus
MFE 150.  Introduction to Manufacturing & Engineering Design.  (3 Credits)  
I. An introductory course that provides an overview of modern manufacturing and the role of engineering design in manufacturing companies. 2 Lec/2 Lab.

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MFE 195.  Computer Aided Design.  (3 Credits)  
I, II. An introductory course in freehand sketching and computer-aided drafting/design. Students will be taught basic CAD commands, tools, multi-view drawings and dimensioning techniques. 2 Lec/2 Lab.

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MFE 202.  Introduction to Quality.  (3 Credits)  
I, II. Prerequisite: MAT 234 and STA 270. Role of statistical thinking in modern quality control. Methods for problem solving, data collection, and process improvement. Deriving actionable conclusions from data analyses. Understanding, quantifying, and reducing variation to improve business performance.

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MFE 308.  Methods of Lean Operations.  (3 Credits)  
I, II. Prerequisite: MAT 234 and STA 270. Examination of lean principles, such as value mapping, continuous flow, continuous improvement, determination of customer demand, and standard work. Concepts and implementation of pull, line balancing, lean accounting, FMEA, time studies, and total productive maintenance.

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MFE 330.  Materials Testing and Metrology.  (3 Credits)  
A. Prerequisites: MFE 195, AEM 201, and MAT 234. A study of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing as used in detail working drawings and the principles, standards, equipment, and techniques of precision electronic, mechanical measurement, and material testing. 2 Lec/2 Lab.

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MFE 332.  Process Control and Auditing.  (3 Credits)  
A. Prerequisite: MFE 202. An advanced study of the Statistical Process Control methods and procedures in industry, and auditing as a method of evaluating the documentation, implementation, and effectiveness of a Quality System.

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MFE 349.  Applied Learning in Manufacturing Engineering.  (1-3 Credits)  
I, II. Prerequisite: departmental approval, successful completion of 30 semester hours of course work including six hours of Manufacturing Engineering courses and minimum of 2.25 GPA. Work under faculty and field supervisors in placements related to academic studies. Transfer students must have completed at least 12 hours of coursework at EKU. A minimum of 80 hours of employment is required for each semester hour of academic credit. Credit may only be awarded in the semester in which the work is completed.

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MFE 352.  Robotics and Automated Systems.  (3 Credits)  
A. Prerequisite: PHY 315. Introduction to fixed and flexible automation equipment with an emphasis placed on industrial robot systems. Topics include robot safety, programming and operation, end effector design, programmable logic controllers, interfacing devices, and sensors. 2 Lec/2 Lab

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MFE 382.  Advanced Material Processing.  (3 Credits)  
A. Prerequisites: AEM 201 and 301. A laboratory course involving advanced material processing which includes project planning and management, machining, welding, precision layout, and measuring. Students will design and fabricate projects that include two-part mold designs, CNC machining, and multiprocess welding. 2 Lec/2 Lab

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MFE 390.  3D Parametric Solid Modeling.  (3 Credits)  
A. Prerequisite: MFE 195. A study of advanced topics in three-dimensional computer aided design. The content will include advanced modeling and rendering. 2 Lec/2 Lab

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MFE 407.  Fundamentals of Project Management.  (3 Credits)  
I. Prerequisite: MFE 202. Introduction to project selection, life cycle, planning using scope of work, WBS, CPM, scheduling, execution, resource allocation, expediting and closing.

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MFE 453.  Additive Manufacturing.  (3 Credits)  
A. Prerequisite: MFE 352. An overview of additive manufacturing (3-D printing) technologies, devices, capabilities, materials and applications in global product development and advanced manufacturing. Experience with the various related software tools, processes and techniques, such as 3-D scanning, injection molding and casting. The latest trends and opportunities in 3-D printing, localized services, production parts, mass customization, and how to commercialize your ideas will also be covered. 2 Lec/2 Lab

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MFE 498.  Senior Capstone Project I.  (3 Credits)  
I. (3). Co-requisite: MFE 407, Prerequisite: MAT 353, and Senior Standing. A synthesis experience involving the application of theory in solving a realistic industrial problem. Emphasis is placed upon project setup, solution, justification, report and presentation. 1 Lec/ 3 lab.

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MFE 499.  Senior Capstone Project II.  (3 Credits)  
II. Prerequisite: MFE 498. A synthesis experience involving the application of theory in solving a realistic industrial problem. Emphasis is placed upon project setup, solution, justification, report and presentation. 1 Lec/3 Lab.

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MFE 506.  Six Sigma Quality.  (3 Credits)  
A. Prerequisite: MFE 202. A study of six sigma methodology and current practices with an emphasis on key quality drivers and statistical methods for worldclass products and companies.

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