Academic Catalog

Element 3: Arts and Humanities

EKU Campus

Six hours required.

Select three hours in Arts courses listed in 3A and three hours in Humanities courses listed in 3B.

3A Arts

Three hours required.

ART 200Art Appreciation: Orientation3
BEM 350Cinema History I3
BEM 351Cinema History II3
ENG 335Modern Drama3
ENG 335WModern Drama3
ESS 200Dance and Culture3
HON 307WHonors Seminar in the Arts:___3
HUM 124Humanities and the Search for Meaning3
HUM 226The Search for Meaning: The Ancient World3
HUM 228The Search for Meaning: The Modern World3
HUM 300Humanity in the Postmodern Age3
HUM 300WHumanity in the Postmodern Age3
MUH 171Music Appreciation3
MUH 271Jazz History3
MUH 272 Music Literature3
MUH 273Survey of American Popular Music3
PHE 200Dance and Culture3
THE 100Introduction to the Theatre3
THE 135Acting I3
THE 390Theatre History I3
THE 391Theatre History II3

3B Humanities

Three hours required.

AFA 201The African Experience3
AFA 201WThe African Experience3
APP 365Appalachian Literature3
ENG 110Introduction to Literature3
ENG 210Enjoying Literature3
ENG 210WEnjoying Literature3
ENG 211Survey of World Literature I3
ENG 212Survey of World Literature II3
ENG 299WResearch in History & English3
ENG 365Appalachian Literature3
FCC 210Topics in Culture:___3
FCC 220French Culture and Civilization3
FCC 222German Culture and Civilization3
FCC 226Hispanic Culture and Civilization3
FCC 227Japanese Culture and Civilization3
HON 101The Examined Life3
HON 102Honors Rhetoric6
HON 308WHonors Seminar in the Humanities:___3
HUM 124Humanities and the Search for Meaning3
HUM 226The Search for Meaning: The Ancient World3
HUM 228The Search for Meaning: The Modern World3
HUM 300Humanity in the Postmodern Age3
HUM 300WHumanity in the Postmodern Age3
PHI 110Beginning Philosophy3
PHI 110WBeginning Philosophy: Writing Intensive3
PHI 130Beginning Ethics3
PHI 130SBeginning Ethics3
PHI 240Philosophy of Religion3
PHI 240WPhilosophy of Religion: Writing Intensive3
PHI 300Greek and Roman Philosophy3
PHI 300WGreek & Roman Philosophy: W3
PHI 320Modern Philosophy3
POL 250Introduction to Political Philosophy3
REL 301World Religions3
REL 301WWorld Religions: Writing Intensive3
THE 390Theatre History I3
THE 391Theatre History II3


HUM 124Humanities and the Search for Meaning3
HUM 226The Search for Meaning: The Ancient World3
HUM 228The Search for Meaning: The Modern World3
HUM 300Humanity in the Postmodern Age3
HUM 300WHumanity in the Postmodern Age3