Department of English

Dr. Charlotte Rich
(859) 622-5861
Beckham 106B
S. Alexander, D. Ashby, G. Bedetti, K. Birk, L. Bosley, T. Butler, R. Carpenter, L. Day, H. Fox, M. Frozena, A. Gossage, J. Hensley, A. Hisel, G. Hunter, R. Johnson, J. Kohl, J. Koster, S. Kroeg, K. McQueen, R. Mott, B. Mullen, G. Nachtwey, C. Okoli, J. Parrott, K. Parsons, E. Presley, K. Rahimzadeh, C. Reece, C. Rich, B. Shannon, Y. Smith, S. Tsiang, and C. Zhang.
ENG 100. English for Non- Native Speakers. (3 Credits)
A. Review and practice of English for non-native speakers. Review of English grammar with intensive practice of academic language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Required of non-native speakers on basis of department placement exam. 2 Lec/2 Lab.
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ENG 101. Reading, Writing, and Rhetoric. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: ACT English score of 18 or higher and ACT Reading score of 20 or higher; or SAT writing score of 430 or higher and SAT reading score of 470 or higher; or SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing score of score of 480 or higher, or high-school GPA of 3.0 or above. A writing course developing critical reading skills which integrating and responding to varied sources; composing texts including summaries, analyses, evaluations, responses, and arguments; emphasizing style, organization, coherence, purpose, and persuasion for different audiences. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for ENG 101R. Gen. Ed. E-1A [WC].
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ENG 101R. Reading, Writing, and Rhetoric (Supported). (4 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing score below 480, or ACT score below 18 in English and/or below 20 in Reading, or high school GPA below 3.0. A writing course developing critical reading skills while integrating and responding to varied sources; composing texts including summaries, analyses, evaluations, responses, and arguments; emphasizing style, organization, coherence, purpose, and persuasion for different audiences. Students are required to meet outside of class time with a Course Embedded Consultant. Students must pass ENG 101R with an A or B to move into ENG 102; students passing ENG 101R with a C must enroll in ENG 102R. Students who fail the class will retake ENG 101R. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for ENG 101. General Education Element 1A [WC].
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ENG 101RZ. Reading, Writing, and Rhetoric (Supported). (4 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing score below 480, or ACT score below 18 in English and/or below 20 in Reading, or high school GPA below 2.5, and two or more readiness needs based on standardized test scores in Reading, English and/or Math. A writing course developing critical reading skills while integrating and responding to varied sources; composing texts including summaries, analyses, evaluations, responses, and arguments; emphasizing style, organization, coherence, purpose, and persuasion for different audiences. Students are required to meet outside of class time with a Course Embedded Consultant. Students must pass ENG 101RZ with an A or B to move into ENG 102; students passing ENG 101RZ with a C must enroll in ENG102R. Students who fail the class will retake ENG 101R. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for ENG 101. General Education Element 1A. [WC]
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ENG 101Z. Reading, Writing, & Rhetoric. (3 Credits)
(3) I, II. A writing course developing critical reading skills which integrating and responding to varied sources; composing texts including summaries, analyses, evaluations, responses, and arguments; emphasizing style, organization, coherence, purpose, and persuasion for different audiences. Gen. Ed. E-1A; Gen. Ed. IA [WC].
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ENG 102. Research, Writing, and Rhetoric. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: ENG 101 (C) or ENG 101R (A or B). A writing course refining component of ENG 101/101R studying information sources and research methods; accessing, critically reading, evaluating, integrating, and documenting primary and secondary sources; utilizing information technology for inquiry, analysis, and argumentation. Credit will not be awarded for both ENG 102 and ENG 102R. Gen. Ed. E-1B [WC].
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ENG 102R. Research, Writing, and Rhetoric (Supported). (4 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: ENG 101R (C). A writing course refining components of ENG 101R studying information sources and research methods; accessing, critically reading, evaluating, integrating, and documenting primary and secondary sources; utilizing information technology for inquiry, analysis, and argumentation. Students are required to meet outside of class time with a Course Embedded Consultant. Students who fail the class will retake ENG 102R. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for ENG 102. Gen. Ed. E-1B [WC].
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ENG 105. First Year Writing Seminar. (3,6 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: ACT English subscore of 28 or SAT verbal score of 660 or above. Accelerated writing course emphasizing critical reading and rhetorical approaches for various purposes and sudiences. Students will access, evaluate, integrate, and document primary and secondary sources while utilizing information technology for inquiry, analysis, and argumentation. Proficiency exam required. Students graded "A" or "B" will receive six hours credit for ENG 105; students with "C" or "D" will receive three hours credit for ENG 105 and must take ENG 102. Gen. Ed. Element 1A; Gen. Ed. IA (IB) [WC].
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ENG 106. Writing Workshop:_____________. (1 Credit)
I, II. Prerequisite: ENG 101, 101R, 105, or departmental approval. A course intended to develop writing abilities through practice in writing processes for varied topics; reading and discussion of rhetoric, grammar, etc. appropriate for the selected topic. Primarily individualized instruction in workshop conditions. May be retaken with different topics to a maximum of three credit hours.
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ENG 110. Introduction to Literature. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: completion of developmental reading and writing requirements. Developming reading strategies to better engage with and appreciate a range of literacy texts from a variety of cultures and historical periods. Gen-Ed. E-3B [AH].
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ENG 200. Topics in English:___. (1-3 Credits)
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ENG 201. Career Development in English. (3 Credits)
I. Prerequisite: English, English/Teaching, or English & History Teaching majors with sophomore standing; or department approval. This course will help students recognize and build the skills needed for their desired career field.
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ENG 210. Enjoying Literature. (3 Credits)
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ENG 211. Survey of World Literature I. (3 Credits)
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ENG 212. Survey of World Literature II. (3 Credits)
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ENG 242. Introduction to a Genre:______. (2 Credits)
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ENG 299. Research in History & English. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or 102R or 105 (B) or HON 102. Cross listed with HIS 299W. Collaboration focusing on disciplinary research methodology and recognizing disciplinary differences in approach by exploring a particular theme from various perspectives. Information literacy, reflection, research, and writing emphasized. This course will not be accepted for History or English non-teaching or teaching major requirements. May be retaken for a maximum of 6 credits, provided the topic differs each time. Credit will not be awarded for both ENG 299 and ENG 299W, HIS 299, or HIS 299W.
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ENG 300. Introduction to Technical and Professional Writing. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or 105 or HON 102. Introductory course in principles of effective writing for professions and technical fields. Experience in writing with technology for various purposes and audiences relevant to students¿ career interests. Special sections arranged in cooperation with professional programs. Credit will not be awarded for both ENG 300 and 300S.
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ENG 300S. Intro to Tech/Prof Writing. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 105 (B) or HON 102. Introductory course in principles of effective writing for professions and technical fields. Experience in writing with technology for various purposes and audiences relevant to students' career interests. students will work on writing projects with schools or other non-profit organizations. Credit will not be awarded for both ENG 300 and ENG 300S.
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ENG 301. Advanced Composition. (3 Credits)
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ENG 302. Principles of Literary Study. (3 Credits)
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ENG 303. Advanced Composition for Teachers. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisites: ENG 101 and 102 (or 105). Develops students as writers and as teachers of writing through experiences in writing workshop, portfolio assessment, teaching strategies for writing, and career-oriented inquiry in theoretical context. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for ENG 301.
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ENG 306. Introduction to Creative Writing. (3 Credits)
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ENG 308. Autobiographical Literature. (3 Credits)
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ENG 310. Introduction to English Studies. (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: ENG 102 or 105 (B) or HON 102. Introduces students to broad areas of English as a discipline; literature; composition and rhetoric, creative writing, and technical writing. Course will culminate in a final research project. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for ENG 302.
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ENG 311. Early British Literature Survey. (3 Credits)
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ENG 312. British and American Literature Survey I. (3 Credits)
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ENG 313. British and American Literature II. (3 Credits)
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ENG 334. Modern Poetry. (3 Credits)
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ENG 335. Modern Drama. (3 Credits)
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ENG 337. The Bible as Literature. (3 Credits)
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ENG 340. Mythology. (3 Credits)
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ENG 343. Science Fiction. (3 Credits)
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ENG 344. Mystery and Detective Fiction. (3 Credits)
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ENG 345. Literature and Film. (3 Credits)
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ENG 346. Fantasy Literature. (3 Credits)
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ENG 347. Special Studies in English:____. (3 Credits)
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ENG 349. Applied Learning in English. (0.5-8 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: departmental approval. Work in placements related to academic studies. One to eight hours credit per semester or summer. Total hours: eight, associate; sixteen, baccalaureate. A minimum of 80 hours employment required for each semester hour credit.
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ENG 349A. Cooperative Study: English. (0.5-8 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: departmental approval. Work in placements related to academic studies. One to eight hours credit per semester or summer. Total hours: eight, associate; sixteen, baccalaureate. A minimum of 80 hours employment required for each semester hour credit.
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ENG 349B. Cooperative Study: English. (0.5-8 Credits)
Work in placements related to academic studies.
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ENG 349C. Cooperative Study: English. (0.5-8 Credits)
Work in placements related to academic studies.
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ENG 349D. Cooperative Study: English. (0.5-8 Credits)
Work in placements related to academic studies.
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ENG 349E. Cooperative Study: English. (0.5-8 Credits)
Work in placements related to academic studies.
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ENG 349F. Cooperative Study: English. (0.5-8 Credits)
Work in placements related to academic studies.
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ENG 349G. Cooperative Study: English. (0.5-8 Credits)
Work in placements related to academic studies.
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ENG 349H. Cooperative Study: English. (0.5-8 Credits)
Work in placements related to academic studies.
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ENG 350. American Literature I. (3 Credits)
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ENG 351. American Literature II. (3 Credits)
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ENG 352. English Literature I. (3 Credits)
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ENG 353. English Literature II. (3 Credits)
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ENG 359. Kentucky Literature. (3 Credits)
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ENG 360. Literatures of Africa. (3 Credits)
A. Cross listed as AFA 360. Prerequisite: ENG 102, 105 (B), or HON 102. Survey of the genres and components of African literature, oral and written; study of how key concepts in African thought, culture and experiences are reflected in the literatures composed by writers from Africa or of African origin. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for AFA 360. Gen. Ed. Element 6.
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ENG 361. African-American Literature. (3 Credits)
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ENG 362. North American Native Literature. (3 Credits)
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ENG 363. Latin American/Latino Literature. (3 Credits)
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ENG 364. Women's Literature. (3 Credits)
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ENG 365. Appalachian Literature. (3 Credits)
(3) I. Cross-listed as APP 365. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or 105 (B) or HON 102. Study of selected Appalachian artists, with emphasis on interdisciplinary, cultural, and aesthetic concerns raised in works by writers such as Arnow, Berry and Still. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for : ENG 365W, APP 365, or APP 365W. Gen. Ed. Element 3B and 6.
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ENG 366. Queer Theory and Literatures. (3 Credits)
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ENG 367. African Caribbean Literatures. (3 Credits)
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ENG 374. Shakespeare at War. (3 Credits)
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ENG 386. War & Peace in Lit Since 1900. (3 Credits)
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ENG 400. Advanced Technical Writing and Document Production. (3 Credits)
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ENG 402. Crit. Theory & Research Meth. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 310. Introduction to literary/critical theory with an historical framework, and to research methods for the academic professional. Particularly recommended for students planning to go on to graduate school.
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ENG 405. Introduction to Composition. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 310, ENG 299W, or HIS 299W. An introductory course surveying theories of composition and applying these theories to the instruction of composition.
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ENG 406. Topics in Creative Writing:___. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 306. Specialized study of a selected genre (e.g., poetry, short story, screenplay) or approach to creative writing. Theory and practice. May be retaken to a maximum of nine hours provided each topic is different.
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ENG 407. Poetry Writing Workshop. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 306. Advanced study in the techniques of writing poetry.
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ENG 408. Advanced Fiction Workshop. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 306. Advanced writing workshop in fiction, with supplementary reading in genre. Weekly writing and critiques of student work. Analysis of the writing market.
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ENG 409. Creative Nonfiction Workshop. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 306 or departmental approval. Theory, models, and advanced practice in such areas as autobiographical writing, the personal essay, ¿on assignment¿ research projects, and interviewing techniques.
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ENG 410. Grammar, Traditional and Modern. (3 Credits)
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ENG 420. Stylistics, Editing, Publishing. (3 Credits)
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ENG 430. Dramatic Literature. (3 Credits)
A. Cross listed as THE 430. Prerequisite: ENG 310, ENG 299W, HIS 299W, or departmental approval. Survey of the major periods and genres of world dramatic literature, from the Greeks to the present; selected readings from the major playwrights, critics, and theorists. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for THE 430.
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ENG 440. Young Adult Literature. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 310, ENG 299W, HIS 299W, or departmental approval. A survey of literature for young adults. Critical approaches will be applied to contemporary and significant early texts. Pedagogical approaches will be modeled for English Teaching and English & History Teaching majors.
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ENG 452. American Romanticism. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 310, ENG 299W, HIS 299W, or departmental approval. A study of the 19th century Romantic movement, concentrating on selected major authors through Whitman.
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ENG 454. American Realism. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 310, ENG 299W, HIS 299W, or departmental approval. A study of the American Realistic movement from the late nineteenth century through the 20th century, concentrating upon selected major authors from Twain to the present.
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ENG 455. American Fiction Since1900. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 310, ENG 299W, HIS 299W, or departmental approval. Survey of representative American novels and short stories of the 20th century.
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ENG 470. Chaucer and His Age. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 310, ENG 299W, HIS 299W, or departmental approval. A study of selections from Chaucer, the Pearl poet, Langland, Malory, medieval drama, and lyrics.
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ENG 472. Renaissance Literature. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 310, ENG 299W, HIS 299W, or departmental approval. A study of Tudor poetry and prose and Elizabethan and early Stuart drama, exclusive of Shakespeare.
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ENG 474. Shakespeare. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 310, ENG 299W, HIS 299W, or departmental approval. Study of Elizabethan England as a background for Shakespeare's works; extensive reading of several plays; intensive reading of selected drama and poetry.
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ENG 476. Milton and His Age. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 310, ENG 299W, HIS 299W, or departmental approval. A study of Milton¿s works, Cavalier and Metaphysical Poetry, the masque, and prose of the period.
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ENG 478. Restoration and Eighteenth Century Literature. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 310, ENG 299W, HIS 299W, or departmental approval. British poetry, prose, and drama of the Restoration and 18th century with emphasis on Dryden, Swift, Pope, and Johnson.
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ENG 480. Romantic Literature. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 310, ENG 299W, HIS 299W, or departmental approval. Survey of British poetry, essays, and fiction of the Romantic period.
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ENG 482. Victorian Literature. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 310, ENG 299W, HIS 299W, or departmental approval. Survey of British poetry, essays, and fiction of the Victorian period.
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ENG 485. British Fiction Since 1900. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 310, ENG 299W, HIS 299W, or departmental approval. Survey of representative British novels and short stories of the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries.
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ENG 490. Creative Writing Capstone. (3 Credits)
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ENG 491. Technical Writing Capstone. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisites: ENG 300 and junior status. Provides professional technical writing experience by placing students in appropriate positions with area businesses and industries.
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ENG 492. English Literature Capstone. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisites: senior status. A review of literary figures, periods, and concepts. Study of techniques of literary criticism and/or theory, Major revision of an analytical paper. Discussion of graduate school and career options in the major.
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ENG 495. Independent Study. (1-3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 310, ENG 299W, HIS 299W, or departmental approval. Individual study and/or research on a problem pertaining to literature or language. Student must have the independent study proposal form approved by faculty supervisor and department chair prior to enrollment.
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ENG 499. Senior Capstone Experience. (1 Credit)
A. Prerequisites: senior status and departmental approval. A service learning project within the University community for all English majors, involving planning and participating in the Association of English Majors Annual Conference, and reflecting on that professional experience.
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ENG 500. Topics in Professional Writing:___. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisites: ENG 310, ENG 299W, or HIS 299W; and one additional upper level ENG course; or departmental approval. Familiarizes students with visual communication as applied in popular culture, business, science, and technology. Students learn visual design principles, and apply them by creating a variety of visual projects, from icons to infographics.
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ENG 502. Advanced Creative Writing. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisites: ENG 306. Special topics and workshop course for advanced or specialty genres and for students who desire to have their manuscripts critiqued. Guest lectures by and discussion with writers in residence. May be taken with different topics for a maximum of six hours.
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ENG 503. Creative Writing Workshop. (3 Credits)
SUMMER ONLY. A. Prerequisites: ENG 306 or departmental approval. Held I conjunction with Bluegrass Writers Studio’s eight-day summer residency on EKU-Richmond campus, followed by asynchronous online work. Includes craft lectures, panels, and readings by visiting writers. Students must submit an original creative writing manuscript before the residency.
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ENG 510. Introduction to Linguistic Theory. (3 Credits)
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ENG 515. English as a Second Language. (3 Credits)
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ENG 520. History of the English Language. (3 Credits)
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ENG 530. Topics in a Genre:___. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisites: ENG 310, ENG 299W, or HIS 299W; and one additional upper level literature course; or departmental approval. Study of a particular genre or comparison of related genres. These can include traditional literary genres contemporary popular literature genre genres; or digital multimodal genres . May be retaken with different topics to a maximum of six hours.
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ENG 550. Topics in Literature:___. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisites: ENG 310 and one additional upper level literature course or departmental approval. An intensive study of a particular aspect of textual production, transmission, or reception such as a movement, an author, historical contexts, or contemporary directions/experiments. May be retaken with a different topic to a maximum of six hours.
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