Rank I (Sixth Year) Program

The College of Education and Applied Human Sciences, in cooperation with the offering departments within the College of Education and Applied Human Sciences, other colleges of the University, and the Office of Graduate Education and Research, offers Rank I programs for teachers, school counselors, school administrators, supervisors, directors of pupil personnel, and directors of special education.
Program guidelines are highly flexible. General institutional guidelines include:
- A minimum 30-semester hour program in addition to:
- requirements for Rank II classification, or
- 60 semester hours including the master’s degree.
- Each program shall be planned in consultation with the candidate’s advisor prior to completion of nine hours of course work applicable to the program. The planned program shall be filed with the Office of Licensure and Certification. Upon application by the candidate and completion of the program, the College of Education and Applied Human Sciences certification officer shall recommend Rank I classification to the Kentucky Department of Education.
- Candidates shall be fully admitted to the Graduate School prior to approval of the Rank I planned curriculum by the advisor and the filing of the curriculum with the Office of Licensure and Certification.
- At least 15 semester hours shall be taken at Eastern Kentucky University. The remaining 15-semester hours credit may be taken at EKU or, upon approval by the advisor, at other accredited graduate schools and transferred.
- All courses in the 30 semester hour requirement for Rank I shall be graduate level and a “B” average shall be required for certification. No credit shall be allowed for any course carrying a grade lower than “C.” At least 12 hours shall be courses open only to graduate candidates. Only graduate credits not used in the Rank II (fifth-year non-degree program) shall be considered in the Rank I program. All CAA 85 credits earned in the master’s degree program can be included in the 60 hours required for completion of the Rank I program.
- The Rank I program shall include six additional semester hours of professional education, 24 hours of courses in a certified teaching field (combined in the Rank II and Rank I programs) and free electives to total 30 semester hours. Preparation certification programs for school administrators, school counselors, pupil personnel directors, and directors of special education can be part of a Rank I program.
- Course credit specified for Rank I cannot be more than 10 years old at the completion of the program.
- For any specific requirement applicable to special fields or individual departments, contact the appropriate department or school.
The Office of Licensure and Certification receives and processes applications for teaching certificates (Rank III, II and I) and additional certificates for school personnel (principals, supervisors, superintendents, directors of special education, school counselors, school psychologists, and pupil personnel directors). Questions may be directed to a College of Education and Applied Human Sciences certification officer at coecert@eku.edu or (859) 622-1829.
Planned programs for degree and non-degree teacher certification programs are received and maintained in the Licensure and Certification Office.
Candidates seeking initial teaching certification must meet all the requirements for admission to the teacher education program as stated in the Undergraduate Catalog. Candidates pursuing an alternative route to certification will follow the admission requirements as described in the program display.
The Rank I requires a minimum of 60 hours if a master’s program is included or a minimum of 30 additional hours after completion of a planned Rank II program.
Admission Requirements
- Admission to the Graduate School
- A bachelor’s or master’s degree with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or a grade point in the last 60 hours of credit completed, including undergraduate and graduate coursework
- A Verbal score of 150, a Quantitative score of 143 and an Analytical Writing score of 4.0 on the GRE. Applicants with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher or a 3.25 in the last 60 semester hours are exempt from the Entrance Examinations.
- Statement of Eligibility or Professional Certificate with EPSB
- Candidates must have a Master’s degree or Rank II certification through a regionally accredited institution.
- Reference inventory on Candidate Dispositions (which candidates receives from a colleague or administrator who has worked directly with the candidate): In the areas of Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity, the candidate must receive a rating of 3 or higher to be eligible for admission to advanced programs.
- Professional Code of Ethics, Character Fitness Declaration, and Professional Dispositions
- Candidates must review the Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky School Certified Personnel established in 16 KAR 1:020 and sign a COE Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky Declaration form.
- Candidates must review the character and fitness questionnaire contained in Section III of the CA-1 incorporated by reference in 16 KAR 2:010 and sign a COE Professional Character and Fitness Declaration form.
- Candidates must demonstrate understanding of professional dispositions expected of Professional educators.
Program Requirements
Minimum Program Total - 30 hours
Code | Title | Hours |
Special Education Courses | ||
Approved by Advisor | 15 | |
Elective | 9 | |
Professional Education | 6 | |
Total Hours | 30 |
Curriculum for Sixth Year/Non-degree Rank I Program: Elementary, Middle, Secondary, P‑12
Minimum Program Total - 30 hours
Code | Title | Hours |
Professional Education | 6 | |
Courses in Certified Teaching Area | 12 | |
Electives | 12 | |
Total Hours | 30 |
Exit Requirements
- Complete all required coursework within the time allotted.
- Earn a GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale with no grade lower than a C.
- Successfully complete a Professional Growth Plan, Program Portfolio and Exit Interview.
- Pass PRAXIS exam, if required.