Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education Certification (IECE)

Certification Preparation Programs
These are programs of study which do not lead to a degree or to an EKU awarded recognition but instead prepare the student, upon recommendation from EKU, for professional certification by the Commonwealth of Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board.
General Information
Candidates pursuing special education certification in Learning and Behavior Disorders, Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education, and Deaf and Hard of Hearing must hold teaching certification. The certification options are listed below. Additional hours may apply toward a sixth year program (Rank I). It is very important that candidates seek early advisement from the department.
The prerequisites are an undergraduate degree in early childhood or related field and a Kentucky Teaching Certificate or meet all requirements for admission to professional education.
Candidates entering the Graduate Certification Program in IECE without a prior Kentucky teaching certification must contact the College of Education and Applied Human Sciences Office of Licensure and Certification at 859-622-1829 for additional requirements.
Admission Requirements
To be eligible for admission into any special education nondegree graduate program (Rank II, I), a candidate must have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.75 overall or 3.0 in the last 30 hours of course work.
Program Requirements
Code | Title | Hours |
Core Courses | ||
CDF 741 | Infant Toddler Dev&Group Care | 3 |
SED 800 | Exceptl Learners Gen Ed Class | 3 |
SED 802 | Adv Early Childhd Intervn Prog | 3 |
SED 808 | Spec Ed Early Childhood Survey | 3 |
SED 811 | IECE Assessment | 3 |
SED 825 | Language and Literacy of Students with Disabilities | 3 |
SED 837 | Applied Behavior Analysis for Students with Disabilities | 3 |
SED 897 | Practicum in Special Education | 3 |
Supporting Course Requirements | ||
OTS 715 | Early Child Sensorimotor Devel | 3 |
SED 827 | Early Ch Spec Ed Partnerships | 3 |
Course Requirements for Admission to Professional Education | ||
TBD hours: Based upon individual transcript analysis. | ||
Total Hours | 30 |
Note: Completion of the above program will not suffice for completion of a Rank program. For IECE Certification, the PRAXIS test in the area of specialty must be passed.