Teacher Education, Master of Arts in Teaching with a Concentration in Theatre (P-12) (M.A.T.)

General Information
The Master of Arts in Teaching program is designed to allow degree candidates who have already completed an appropriate undergraduate major (determined by transcript review) to complete certification requirements while completing a master’s degree.
Admission Requirements
Candidates seeking admission to the program must meet all admission requirements for the Graduate School and admission to the program.
Admission to the Program
- A bachelor’s or master’s degree with a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale or a grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on the last thirty (30) hours of credit completed, including undergraduate and graduate coursework. (EPSB regulation 16 KAR 5:020)
- Must successfully complete the PRAXIS II content exam in the desired certification area with the exception of DHH, IECE, elementary, and music concentrations. Prerequisite courses for candidates seeking MAT with DHH certification: ASL 101 American Sign Language I, ASL 102 American Sign Language II.
- A professional resume
- An autobiography documenting relevant life/work/educational experience
- Three letters of reference
- Demonstrate communication, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration in two writing assignments given by the School.
- An interview with the MAT Admission Committee
- Professional Code of Ethics, Character Fitness Declaration, and Professional Dispositions
- Candidates must review and sign the Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky School Certified Personnel established in 16 KAR 1:020 and sign a COE Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky Declaration form.
- Candidates must review and sign the character and fitness questionnaire contained in Section III of the TC-1 (CA-1 Spring 2015) incorporated by reference in 16 KAR 2:010 and sign a COE Professional Character and Fitness Declaration form.
- EKU College of Education and Applied Human Sciences requires a state criminal history background check approved by the College of Education and Applied Human Sciences as a condition of admission. Under certain circumstances, a national criminal history background check may be required as a condition of admission.
- EKU College of Education and Applied Human Sciences requires a Central Registry check per 922 KAR 1:470
- Candidates must demonstrate understanding of professional dispositions expected of professional educators.
Note: Based upon applicant disclosure, an interview by the Professional Education Admission Committee may be required.
Candidates Seeking Option 6 Alternative Route
- Candidates with clear admission to a traditional route MAT program may pursue an Option 6 route (Temporary Provisional Certification) with an offer of employment from a school district. Candidates seeking employment will be provided an Option 6 eligibility letter to support their application for employment. The school district will initiate a CA-TP application as their intent to hire the candidate. A mentoring plan will be deployed that outlines responsibilities for direct observations from a university mentor with participation from a district assigned mentor.
- To seek and maintain a temporary provisional certification, candidates must be in good academic standing at the university and have concurrent enrollment each semester in the MAT program for the duration of the Option 6 placement. All program requirements and assessments must be completed during the initial and first renewal of the licensure prior to enrollment in practicum and the capstone course which will be completed during the KTIP year, the second renewal. Degree completion is recommended upon successful completion of KTIP and all program requirements.
- To begin the Option 6 route professional education admission process or to request an option 6 eligibility letter, please email the Profession Education Service at certification.alternative_routes@EKU.EDU or visit the Alternative Certification Specialist in Bert Combs, Room 423
Program Requirements
CIP Code: 13.1206
Code | Title | Hours |
Professional Education Core | ||
CED 810 | Clinical VII or VIII: The Education Profession and Curriculum Design | 1 |
CED 830 | Clinical IX: Diagnosis & Presc | 1 |
CED 840 | Clinical X: Practicing Teachin | 1 |
CED 897 | Clinical XI: Grad Practicum | 3 |
EGC 820 | Prof Stud I: Tchrs, Sch, & Soc | 3 |
EGC 830 & ETL 805 | Professional Studies II: Learner, Teachers, and Action Research and Research Metho for Educ Profes | 6 |
EMS 810 | Emerging Instructional Technol | 3 |
EMS 874 | Disciplinary Literacy | 3 |
or ELE 828 | Specialized Literacy Topics P-5 | |
SED 800 | Exceptl Learners Gen Ed Class | 3 |
Concentrations | ||
Students must select one of the following Concentrations: | ||
Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education | ||
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education | ||
Elementary Education P-5 Teaching | ||
Middle Grades 5-9 Teaching | ||
Agriculture (Grades 5-12) | ||
Art (P-12) | ||
Biological Science (8-12) | ||
Business and Marketing (5-12) | ||
Chemistry (8-12) | ||
Earth Science (8-12) | ||
Engineering & Technology Education (5-12) | ||
English (8-12) | ||
Family and Consumer Sciences (5-12) | ||
French (P-12) | ||
Health Education (P-12) | ||
Mathematics (8-12) | ||
Music (P-12) | ||
Physical Education (P-12) | ||
Physical Education & Health Dual Certification (P-12) | ||
Physics (8-12) | ||
Social Science (8-12) | ||
Spanish (P-12) | ||
Theatre (P-12) | 9 | |
Exit Requirements | ||
ETL 806 | Teacher Leader Capstone (repeatable for up to three hours) | 1 |
GRD 878N | MAT Secnd Portfolio Review | 0 |
Total Hours | 34 |
The selected concentration subject is that in which the candidate will then request certification by the Education Professional Standards Board.
Code | Title | Hours |
Concentration Courses | ||
ESE 743 | Teach/Lang Arts in the Sec Sch | 3 |
Choose from six hours of content with advisor approval | 6 | |
Total Hours | 9 |
Exit Requirements
The following are the exit requirements for Master of Arts in Teaching:
- Program GPA: Candidates must earn an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher, with no grade lower than a C, and no grade lower than a B in CED courses.
- Key Assessments: Candidates will have opportunities to demonstrate professional growth through key assessments covering major program components.
- Students must register for and take the PRAXIS exam which correlates to their degree program, per College of Education and Applied Human Sciences requirements.
- Refer to Degree Works for exam details. The PRAXIS exam must be taken prior to student teaching.
- Approval of the Capstone Research project by the candidate’s advisor (GRD 878N MAT Secnd Portfolio Review)
- Oral presentation of Action Research in ETL 806 Teacher Leader Capstone.
- Initial Certification Concentration: Successful completion of the student teaching semester for the initial certification concentration.
Option 6 Route: Submission of completed, verified Mentoring Plan.
Candidates seeking licensure and/or rank change in Kentucky must complete the appropriate PRAXIS content exam(s) and Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching exam.
PRAXIS Disclaimer: Kentucky educator certification requirements are subject to change. Before registering for the test(s), please check the Education Professional Standards Board website at www.epsb.ky.gov for current test requirements and current cut scores. You may also contact the Division of Professional Learning and Assessment at (502) 564-5778.