Department of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership

Dr. Nicola Mason, Chair
(859) 622-2154
Bert Combs 427
A. Blakely, C. Budano, A. Burns, H. Campbell, C. Hodge, K. Hub, T. Jansky, M.J. Krile, R. Lauk, M. Manning, N. Mason, J. McCardle, T. McCardle, A. McMullan, J-M. Miller, J. Miller, C. Olinger, J. Park, P. Petrilli, J. Rutland, E. Smith, W. Thornburgh, S. Townsend, R. Turner, A. Yaylai, K. Yi, S. Yow, and E. Zuccaro
- Career and Technical Education/Teaching, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Agriculture Education (B.S.)
- Career and Technical Education/Teaching, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Engineering/Technology Education (B.S.)
- Career and Technical Education/Teaching, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Occupational Training and Development (B.S.)
- Career and Technical Education/Teaching, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Technical Education (B.S.)
- Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (P-12), Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Elementary Education (P-5) (B.S.)
- Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (P-12), Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Middle Grade Education (5-9) (B.S.)
- Elementary Education (P-5) Teaching, Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
- Middle Grade Education (5-9) Teaching, Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
- Special Education/Teaching, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in LBD-Elementary (B.S.)
- Special Education/Teaching, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in LBD-Middle Grade Education (5-9) (B.S.)
On This Page
- Career and Technical Education
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- College of Education
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- Early Elementary Education
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- Educational Foundations
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- Middle Grade Education
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- Special Education
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Career and Technical Education
CTE 164. Orientation to Career and Technical Education. (3 Credits)
A. Instruction to new technical teachers in areas of principles of instruction, lesson planning, oral instruction, instructional media, demonstrations, evaluation and follow-up. Satisfactory-unsatisfactory grading.
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CTE 204. Related Sci Math & Tech: Occ I. (3 Credits)
Offered only through written examination; applicant must be eligible for vocational/technical teaching certificate.
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CTE 205. Manipulative Skills: Occ I. (3 Credits)
A. Offered only through technical competence examination; applicant must be eligible for vocational/technical teaching certificate.
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CTE 206. Related Knowledge: Occ I. (3 Credits)
A. Offered only through written examination; applicant must be eligible for vocational/technical teaching certificate.
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CTE 261. Foundations of Career and Technical Education. (3 Credits)
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CTE 262. Foundations of Career and Technical Education (Pre-Service). (3 Credits)
A. Co-Requisite: EDF 310 (1)-Enrollment in a late term section is preferred. For pre-service career and technical teachers. A study of the historical, philosophical, economical, sociological, and psychological foundations of career and technical education related to elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education. Credit will not be awarded for both CTE 262 and 261.
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CTE 302. New Developments in Industry. (1-6 Credits)
A. Concurrent enrollment in approved industry sponsored course. One hour credit for each week of enrollment (minimum of 20 class hours per week). Student required to present proof of completion and to develop a teaching unit on the new development. May be retaken provided the industry sponsored school is different. Graded on a satisfactory- unsatisfactory basis. Only in-service vocational education teachers may enroll.
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CTE 303. Career and Technical Education Staff Exchange. (2-9 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: departmental approval. For in-service career and technical teachers enrolled in an approved staff exchange program designed to update technical skills and knowledge in an occupational setting. Assignments include verifying contact hours, site visit, narrative summary, and lesson development. First week of exchange is equal to two semester hours of credit with one additional hour of credit for each additional week. Satisfactory-unsatisfactory grading.
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CTE 304. Rel Sci Math & Tech in Occ. (3 Credits)
A. Offered only through written examination; applicant must be eligible for vocational/technical teaching certificate.
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CTE 305. Manipul Skills Occupation II. (3 Credits)
A. Offered only through technical competence examination; applicant must be eligible for vocational/ technical teaching certificate.
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CTE 306. Related Knowledge: Occ II. (3 Credits)
A. Offered only through written examinations; applicant must be eligible for vocational/technical teaching certificate.
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CTE 361. Course Materials in Career and Technical Education. (3 Credits)
A. The preparation of instructional materials and instructional techniques, including the development and use of instructional media. The content will include the development of curricula at appropriate levels of education and appropriate laboratory activities.
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CTE 363. Evaluation in Career and Technical Education. (3 Credits)
A. Methods of evaluation, preparation of measuring devices; methods of assessing technical competency; interpretation of standardized test results; statistical analysis of test data and the improvement of instruction.
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CTE 364. Methods in Career and Technical Education. (3 Credits)
A. Presentation and application of instructional materials, methods, techniques, and devices relevant to teaching technical subjects.
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CTE 463. Practicum in Career and Technical Education. (4-12 Credits)
A. Prerequisites: CTE 361, 363, 364. Observation, participation and supervised teaching in vocational and technical education. Includes experiences in lesson planning, classroom management, record keeping, development and use of instructional materials and directed teaching in approved centers. Students are graded on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis.
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College of Education
CED 100. Clinical I: Introduction to the Education Profession. (0 Credits)
I, II. Corequisite: EDF 203. Guided laboratory-based experiences emphasizing the identification and assessment of the roles and responsibilities of teachers and other education professionals and components of the education system. (Laboratory-based clinical experience- a minimum of 10 hours is required; additional hours may be required based upon candidate performance).
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CED 150. Clinical Transition: Education Profession. (0.5 Credits)
Corequsite: EDF 310. Guided laboratory-based experiences emphasizing the education profession. (laboratory-based clinical experience - a minimum of 10 hours is required; additional hours may be required based upon candidate performance.)
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CED 200. Clinical II: Understanding the Learner. (0 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisites: EDF 203(C) or 310(C); CED 100 or 150 (grade of B or higher). Corequisites: EDF 219; or CDF 235 for IECE majors. Guided laboratory-based experiences emphasizing the assessment and analysis of student learning and engagement and the school environment from varied learning theory perspectives, (laboratory-based clinical experience - a minimum of 20 hours is required; additional hours may be required based upon candidate performance).
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CED 300. Clinical III: Curriculum and Instructional Design. (0.5 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite CED 200 and admission to professional education. Co-requisite: EMS300 or 300W. Guided school-embedded experiences that emphasize impacting student growth through well-planned and aligned instructional units and lessons, (school-embedded clinical experience - a minimum of 45 hours is required; additional hours may be required based upon candidate performance). Must earn B or higher for professional education.
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CED 350. Integrated Clinical Experiences. (0.5 Credits)
(.5). I, II. Prerequisite: admission to professional education, CED 300 (B). Co-requisite: EMS 300, EMS 300W, EDC 300, EDF 413, EMS 490, SED 350, SED 390, or SED 510. Integrated school-embedded experiences that emphasize skills and performances related to the content of professional core course. Successful completion of the clinical experiences and course expectation is required for candidates to progress in their teaching programs. CED 350 may be retaken for up to 1 full credit hour. Must earn a grade of B or higher for professional education.
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CED 375. Clinical V: Practicing Teaching. (1 Credit)
Prerequisite: Admittion to Professional Education or Dean approval. Corequisite: CED 450. Supervised, sustained practice teaching experiences in an assigned instructional setting. Experiences include individual, small group and whole class teaching oppurtunities. (school-embedded clinical experience - a minimum of 40 hours is required; additional hours may be required based on candidate performance).
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CED 400. Clinical IV: Diagnosis and Prescription. (0.5 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: CED 300 (B or higher) and admission to professional education or Dean approval. Corequisites: EDF 413 and EMS 490; or SED 352 and SED 590 for IECE majors. Guided school-embedded experiences emphasizing the development, implementation, interpretation and reporting of a variety of assessment tools for learners, the classroom and school environment and the subsequent design of instruction. (School-embedded clinical experience- a minimum of 50 hours is required; additional hours may be required based upon candidate performance). Must earn a B or higher for Professional Education.
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CED 450. Clinical V: Practicing Teaching. (1 Credit)
I, II. Prerequisites: CED 400 (grade of B or higher) and Admission to Professional Education. Corequisite: ELE 422; or EMG 447; or one of the following: ESE 540, 543, 549, 552, 553, 561, 566, 573, 579, 587, 550; MAE 550; MUE 579; CDF 544 for IECE majors. Supervised, sustained practice teaching experiences in an assigned instructional setting. Experiences include individual, small group and whole class teaching opportunities. (school-embedded clinical experience - a minimum of 80 hours is required; additional hours may be required based upon candidate performance). Must earn "B" or higher for Professional Education.
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CED 499. Clinical VI: The Professional Semester. (3-12 Credits)
Prerequisites: CED 450 (B or higher) and admission to the professional semester. Full-time assignment in an accredited school to observe, participate, and teach in classroom settings with special emphasis on the impact of instruction on student learning. (School embedded clinical experience - a minimum of 70 days is required). CED 499 may only be taken with one additional course.
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CED 499I. Clinical VI: The Professional Semester- International. (1-12 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: CED 450 and Admission to the Professional Semester, and application to student teach abroad with committee recommendation to the College of Education Dean for approval. Must successfully complete all pre-student teaching abroad seminars and requirements. Must demonstrate above average knowledge, skills and dispositions of a professional teacher prior to CED 499I. Overall EKU GPA must be 3.0 or above. Part-time assignment for four weeks in an EKU approved international school to observe, participate, and teach in classroom settings with special emphasis on the impact of instruction on student learning (school-embedded clinical experience – a minimum of 70 total days is required will be a combination of CED 499 and 499I).
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Early Elementary Education
ELE 101. Creative Thinking Through Performance Arts. (3 Credits)
I,II. Study of Elementary Music and Movement activities/techniques. Perform, reflect, and implement essential age-appropriate musical instruction that highlights the importance of creative music making and the integration of the performing arts in other content areas.
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ELE 102. Creative Thinking Through Visual Arts. (3 Credits)
I, II. Study of elementary art and media techniques. Create, reflect and implement essential age-appropriate art instruction that highlights the importance of art making and the integration of the visual and media arts in other content areas.
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ELE 103. Creative Thinking through Performance and Visual Arts. (3 Credits)
I, II. Study of age-appropriate art and music instruction for P-5 classrooms. Create, reflect, and implement art and music that highlight the importance of creativity and the integration of the arts in other content areas.
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ELE 201. Practical Living. (2 Credits)
Elementary and dual certification (LBD + ELE or DHH + ELE) majors only. Explore personal wellness, nutrition, safety, psychomotor skills, and lifetime wellness for the elementary grades. Fulfills Univeristy Wellness Requirement.
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ELE 301. Mathematics Foundations P-5. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: Admission to professional education, MAT 107 with a minimum grade of "C". An overview of the mathematics state standards for teaching mathematics in grades K-5, and theories and research to teaching and learning mathematics. Minimum of ten fields hours are required.
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ELE 303. Classroom Music Methods. (2 Credits)
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ELE 403. Social Studies Content, Pedagogy, and Assessment: US History, Government, and Civics. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: Admission to professional education. An examination of relevant content, state academic standards, instructional practices, and assessments for US history government and civics for elementary P-5.
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ELE 420. Professional Growth Seminar. (1 Credit)
I, II. Co-requisites: CED 450, ELE 421, 422, 423, and 424. The Professional Seminar is a forum to introduce and discuss professional topics and current issues in education today. Students integrate their learning from classes, workshops, and clinical experiences. Transformed through reflection, readings, and discussion, students become reflective practitioners and lifelong learners. Must earn “C” or higher for Professional Education.
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ELE 421. Advanced Math Pedag & Assess. (2 Credits)
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ELE 422. Advanced Language Arts Pedagogy and Assessment. (2 Credits)
Prerequisites: [ELE 302 (C) and CED 400 (B) and Elem Ed major]; or [SED 260 (C) and CED 400 (B) and Spec Ed/Teaching major w/LBD/ELE concentration]; or [SED 260 (C) and CED 400 (B) and DHH major w/ELE concentration]; admission to professional education. Corequisite: CED 450 and ELE 423. An examination of advanced pedagogical skills for teaching language arts with an emphasis on assessing, diagnosing, prescribing, and monitoring for student learning, differentiated instruction, and teacher and student use of technology for instruction and assessment.
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ELE 423.
Advanced Social Studies Pedagogy and Assessment. (2 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: [EDF 413 (C) and CED 400 (B) and Elem Ed major]; or [SED 350 (C) and CED 400 (B) and Spec Ed/Teaching major w/LBD/ELE concentration]; or [SED 510 (C) and CED 400 (B) and DHH major w/ELE concentration]; admission to professional education. Corequisite: CED 450 and ELE 424. Examination of advanced pedagogical skills for teaching the social studies in grades P-5 with an empahsis on formative and summative assessment to monitor student learning, differentiated instruction, and teacher and student use of technology.
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ELE 424. Advanced Science Pedagogy and Assessment. (2 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: [EMS 490 (C) and CED 400 (B) and Elem Ed major]; or [SED 390 (C) and CED 400 (B) and Spec Ed/Teaching major w/LBD/ELE concentration]; or [SED 390 (C) or EMG 490 (C), and CED 400 (B), and DHH major w/ELE concentration]; admission to professional education. Co-requisites: CED 450 and ELE 421. Modern materials and methods for teaching inquiry-based science in primary through grade five.
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ELE 445. Foundations of Reading/ Language Arts. (3 Credits)
I, II. Cross-listed as EMG 445. Prerequisites: Admission to professional education. Corequisite or Prerequisite: EDF 219, or 219W. An overview of reading/language arts components P-5, teacher competencies, organization and planning for instruction. Up to 10 clinical hours may be required. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for EMG 445, EMG 445W, ELE 445W, ELE 302, or SED 260.
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ELE 446A. Reading & Language Arts P-5. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisites: EDF 319, EDF 319W, EDF 413, ELE 490, ELE 445 with a grade of "C" or higher and admission to professional education. Prerequisite or Corequisite: SED 402. Corequisite: CED 450. Emphasis on theory, curriculum, teaching techniques and materials, instructional planning, assessment and use of results. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for ELE 446S and/or ELE 446W.
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ELE 446B. Reading & Language Arts P-5. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisites: EDF 319, EDF 319W, EDF 413, ELE 490, ELE 445 with a grade of "C" or higher and admission to professional education. Prerequisite or Corequisite: SED 402. Corequisite: CED 450. Emphasis on theory, curriculum, teaching techniques and materials, instructional planning, assessment and use of results. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for ELE 446S and/or ELE 446W.
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ELE 446C. Reading & Language Arts P-5. (3 Credits)
Emphasis on theory, curriculum, teaching techniques and materials, instructional planning, assessment and use of results. Twenty field/clinical hours.
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ELE 475. Diagnosing & Remediating reading Difficulties. (3 Credits)
I.II. Prerequisites: SED 260 or ELE 302 and admission to professional education. Corequisite: CED 400. A study of the procedures for assessing and diagnosing reading difficulties, and implementing reading instruction to assist struggling readers in grades P-5. Embedded Field/Clinical Experiences: 40 hours
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ELE 491A. Mathematics in ELE Grades P-5. (3 Credits)
Methods and materials of teaching P-5 mathematics; emphasis on discovering and developing fundamental concepts as a foundation for problem solving. Twenty field/clinical hours.
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ELE 491B. Mathematics in ELE Grades P-5. (3 Credits)
Methods and materials of teaching P-5 mathematics; emphasis on discovering and developing fundamental concepts as a foundation for problem solving. Twenty field/clinical hours.
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ELE 491C. Mathematics in ELE Grades P-5. (3 Credits)
Methods and materials of teaching P-5 mathematics; emphasis on discovering and developing fundamental concepts as a foundation for problem solving. Twenty field/clinical hours.
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ELE 492A. Science in ELE Grades P-5. (3 Credits)
Modern materials and methods for teaching science in P-5. Five discussion-laboratory hours per week. Twenty field/clinical hours.
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ELE 492B. Science in ELE Grades P-5. (3 Credits)
Modern materials and methods for teaching science in P-5. Five discussion-laboratory hours per week. Twenty field/clinical hours.
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ELE 492C. Science in ELE Grades P-5. (3 Credits)
Modern materials and methods for teaching science in P-5. Five discussion-laboratory hours per week. Twenty field/clinical hours.
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ELE 493A. Soc Studies in ELE Grades P-5. (3 Credits)
Theory, content, and practice of teaching Social Studies in grades P-5. Twenty field/clinical hours.
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ELE 493B. Soc Studies in ELE Grade P-5. (3 Credits)
Theory, content, and practice of teaching Social Studies in grades P-5. Twenty field/clinical hours.
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ELE 493C. Soc Studies in ELE Grade P-5. (3 Credits)
Theory, content, and practice of teaching Social Studies in grades P-5. Twenty field/clinical hours.
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ELE 507. Problems in Elementary Education. (1-3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: advisor/ departmental approval. Independent work, special workshops, special topics, or seminar.
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ELE 519. Teaching in the Kindergarten. (3 Credits)
I, II. Focuses upon the kindergarten movement, organization, equipment, curriculum, and procedures; leaders and literature of kindergarten education. Opportunity for observing and participating in kindergarten.
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Educational Foundations
EDF 203. Educational Foundations. (3 Credits)
I, II. Co-requisite: CED 100. An introduction to social and cultural influences on schools, the purposes of schooling, the governance, financing, and administration of schools, and the role of the individual as an educator. Background check College approved procedure must be ordered and paid for by the first day of class.
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EDF 204. Emerging Instructional Technologies. (2 Credits)
(2) I,II. technology applications to education, training, and instruction within educational and human services setting. Students examine, develop, and/or evaluate emerging instructional technologies. For individuals interested in exploring technological applications in teaching and learning.
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EDF 205. Creative Learning and Teaching. (3 Credits)
(3) II. An Introduction to the basic theories and principles of creativity as applied to development of your own creative thinking and how teachers, professionals and parents can encourage creativity in others.
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EDF 219. Human Development and Learning. (3 Credits)
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EDF 310. Transition to Education. (1-3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: Completion of Background check prior to the first day of the semester. Candidates will follow the College of Education Licensure and Certification approved procedure. Corequisite: CED 150. EDF 310 is required of candidates who have an equivalent transfer course(s) for [EDF 203, CDF 203] or [EDF 219, CDF 235].
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EDF 320. Human Development and Learning for Vocational Education. (3 Credits)
I, II. The study of theories and principles of human development and learning as applied within vocational-industrial technical education classrooms. Credit not awarded to students with credit for EDF 319.
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EDF 330. U.S. South and Black Education. (3 Credits)
A. Cross listed as AFA 330. This course introduces the major themes of Black populations pursuing educational opportunities in Southern States. Students will acquire knowledge about historical events, people and policies shaping the evolution of Blacks in education. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for AFA 330. Gen. Ed. VIII.
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EDF 413. Assessment in Education. (2-3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: MAT 105 (or higher) or STA 215 (or higher)(C) admission to professional education. Corequisite: EMS 490 or SED 390 (for DHH/LBD education majors only); and CED 400. Principles and procedures in assessing and evaluating pupil growth in skills, attitudes, aptitudes, and understandings. Assessment construction, analysis, item analysis. Marking systems, and authentic assessment systems will be addressed. Course embedded and school-based clinical practice required: if students do not make the requisite passing grade of C in the content course, they must repeat that course and also complete an additional clinical experience.
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Middle Grade Education
EMG 445. Foundation of Reading/Language Arts. (3 Credits)
I, II. Cross listed as ELE 445. Prerequisites: junior standing, 2.7 GPA; Admission to Professional Education. Prerequisite/Corequisite: EDF 319, 319W, 219, or 219W. An overview of reading/language arts components 5-9, teacher competencies, organization and planning for instruction. Twenty hours of field/clinical experiences. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for ELE 445, EMG 445W, ELE445W, or ELE 302.
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EMG 447. Disciplinary Literacy in the Middle Grades. (3 Credits)
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EMG 491. Mathematics in the Middle Grades. (3 Credits)
I, A. Prerequisites: Admission to professional education and [EDF 413 (C) and EMS 490 (C) and CED 400 (B) and Middle Grades major]; or [SED 350 (C) and SED 390 (C) and CED 400 (B) and Spec Ed/Teaching major w/LBD/EMG concentration]; or [SED 510 (C), SED 390 (C) or EMS 490 (C), CED 400 (B), and DHH major w/EMG concentration]. Corequisite: CED 450. Appropriate materials and methods for teaching mathematics in the middle grades. Candidates must have completed (or be completing) at least 18 hours of math content in order to be eligible for this.
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EMG 492. Science in the Middle Grades. (3 Credits)
I, A. Prerequisites: Admission to professional education and [EDF 413 (C) and EMS 490 (C) and CED 400 (B) and Middle Grades major]; or [SED 350 (C) and SED 390 (C) and CED 400 (B) and Spec Ed/Teaching major w/LBD/EMG conc]; or [SED 510 (C), SED 390 (C) or EMS 490 (C), CED 400 (B), and DHH major w/EMG conc]. Corequisite: CED 450. Introduces prospective teachers to the modern materials and methods of teaching science in the middle grades. Candidates must have completed (or be completing) at least 18 hours of science content in order to be eligible for this methods course.
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EMG 493. Social Studies in the Middle Grades. (3 Credits)
I, A. Prerequisites: Admission to professional education and [EDF 413 (C) and EMS 490 (C) and CED 400 (B) and Middle Grades major]; or [SED 350 (C) and SED 390 (C) and CED 400 (B) and Spec Ed/Teaching major w/LBD/EMG conc]; or [SED 510 (C), SED 390 (C) or EMS 490 (C), CED 400 (B), and DHH major w/EMG conc]. Corequisite: CED 450. Appropriate materials and methods for teaching social studies in the middle grades. Candidates must have completed (or be completing) at least 18 hours of social sciences content in order to be eligible for this methods
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EMG 494. English and Communication in the Middle Grades. (3 Credits)
I, A. Prerequisites: Admission to professional education and [EDF 413 (C) and EMS 490 (C) and CED 400 (B) and Middle Grades major]; or [SED 350 (C) and SED 390 (C) and CED 400 (B) and Spec Ed/Teaching major w/LBD/EMG conc]; or [SED 510 (C), SED 390 (C) or EMS 490 (C), CED 400 (B), and DHH major w/EMG conc]. Corequisite: CED 450. Study of effective teaching techniques, strategies and materials for middle grade English/communication skills. Credit will not be awarded for both EMG 494 and EMG 494W. Candidates must have completed
(or be completing) at least 18 hours of English/Language Arts content in order to be eligible for this methods course.
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EMG 507. Problems in Middle Grade Education:___. (1-3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: advisor approval. Independent work, workshops, special topics, or seminar. May be retaken to a maximum of six hours under different subtitles.
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Special Education
SED 104. Special Education Introduction. (3 Credits)
I, II, A. Overview of major categories of exceptionalities and the educational, legal, and social issues in the area of disabilities and special education. Observations/participation through field experience required. Gen. Ed Element 6.
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SED 207. Topics in Special Education. (1-3 Credits)
A. Work related to current issues and topics in special education, special workshops, special seminars. May be retaken with a maximum of nine hours.
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SED 240. Com Skills for Hearing Imp. (3 Credits)
I. Basic principles of manual communication and fingerspelling. Builds an expressive and receptive vocabulary of a least 1,000 signs to enable communication with individuals who use total communication.
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SED 260. Language and Speech Disorders of Exceptional Children. (3 Credits)
I, II. Acquisition of normal speech, language, and literacy in our multi-cultural society. Assessment and instructional strategies for language and literacy delays in exceptional children.
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SED 270. Assistive Technology/Strategies. (2 Credits)
II. The implementation of computer technology and assistive/adaptive devices and strategies for students with disabilities. Students examine, develop, and/or evaluate emerging instructional technologies with emphasis on assistive technology.
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SED 305. Behavior Disorders. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: ENG 102, or HON 102 with a grade of “C” or better. Open to non-majors. Behavior disorders and/or emotional disturbances as an educational, psychological, and sociological phenomenon. Definitions, characteristics, theoretical foundations, programmatic approaches.
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SED 318. Special Education in Early Childhood. (3 Credits)
I, II. Overview of history, philosophy, legislation, and services for young children (0-5) at-risk for or with disabilities, including impact and intervention across developmental domains.
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SED 337. Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. (3 Credits)
(2) A. Study of personality, intellectual, and emotional development of the deaf and hard of hearing. Emphasis on social maturity, motor functioning, multiple disabilities and the significant history of educational programs at all levels.
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SED 341. Behavior Management. (3 Credits)
I, II. Techniques of behavioral management of exceptional students in educational settings. Applied behavior analysis data collection, intervention, and reporting. Practical procedures for teaching new behaviors. Open to non-majors.
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SED 350. Introduction to Special Education Assessment. (3 Credits)
II. Prerequisites: MAT 105 (or higher) or STA 215 (or higher) (C); SED 104 (C); and admission to professional education. Corequisites: CED 300 or CED 400 and SED 390. Principles of test administration, scoring, and interpretation applied to exceptional children. Application of assessment data to interdisciplinary teams.
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SED 351. Special Educational Assessment. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: SED 104. Principles and application of educational assessment of learning and behavior disordered students. Educational interpretation of assessment outcomes.
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SED 352. Special Education Early Childhood Assessment. (3 Credits)
II. Prerequisite: SED 104 (C). Formal and informal procedures for screening and assessing young children (0-5) with disabilities or at-risk conditions in motor, communication, cognitive, social-emotional, and self-help areas. Introduction to technology related to special education assessment and progress monitoring.
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SED 356. Methods and Materials for LBD. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisites: SED 104 (C). Instructional principles and methodology; development, implementation, and evaluation of validated educational programs and materials for special educators.
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SED 375. Practicum in Special Education. (3 Credits)
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SED 390. Applied Behavior Analysis. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisites: SED 104 (C) and admission to professional education, communication disorders major, SED minors, or departmental approval. Behavior analysis applied to classroom and instructional management. Development of skills in data collection, intervention procedures, and evaluation of behavior change.
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SED 401. Divers Lrnrs in Mid/Secondary. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: admission to teacher education. Principles for teaching and accommodating exceptional learners. Instructional modifications, management and collaboration across content areas. 20 field/clinical hours. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for SED 401S.
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SED 401S. Divers Lrnrs in Mid/Secondary. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: admission to teacher education. Principles for teaching and accommodating exceptional learners in educational settings. Instructional modifications, management, and collaboration across content areas. 20 field/clinical hours of service learning. Credit will not be awarded for both SED 401and 401S.
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SED 402A. Differentiated Instruction. (3 Credits)
(3) I,II Prerequisites: EDF 319, ELE, 445, admission to teacher education. Co-requisites: ELE 446 or 446W, ELE 491, ELE 492, ELE 493. Differentiating instruction for exceptional learners in elementary setttings. Collaboration and planning to address diverse learners. 20 field/clinical hours.
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SED 402B. Differentiated Instruction. (3 Credits)
(3) I,II Prerequisites: EDF 319, ELE, 445, admission to teacher education. Co-requisites: ELE 446 or 446W, ELE 491, ELE 492, ELE 493. Differentiating instruction for exceptional learners in elementary setttings. Collaboration and planning to address diverse learners. 20 field/clinical hours.
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SED 436. Early Intervention Programming. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: Developmental, family-focused intervention methods, materials and programs for young children (0-5) at-risk for or with disabilities. Curriculum design across motor, communication, cognitive, social-emotional, and self-help areas. Planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating IEPs/IFSPs.
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SED 445. IEP Transition and Professional Roles in Special Education. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: admission to professional education or departmental approval. Working with interdisciplinary teams to design and implement IEP transition and instructional plans for independent living, employment, community participation, post-secondary education, and digital literacy. Collaboration strategies and technology for transition.
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SED 450. Assessment and Methods for Deaf and Hard of Hearing. (3 Credits)
II. Prerequisites: SED 260 (C), admission to professional education, or department approval. Corequisite: CED 400. Standardized and informal assessments used to measure reading and content knowledge of deaf and hard of hearing students. Principles and procedures in assessing, evaluating pupil growth, and IEP development. Sample curricula and High Leverage instructional strategies used with students who are deaf and hard of hearing.
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SED 504. Assistive/Adaptive Technology. (3 Credits)
I, A. Classroom use and modification of computer technology and assistive/adaptive devices. Integratio of assistive technology into assessments, IEPs, lesson plans, education activities, and daily routines. 1.5 Lab.
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SED 538. Language of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Prerequsite: SED 260 or departmental approval. Receptive and expressive conversational language development and written language acquisition from a developmental perspective. Concepts in bilingual education applied to deaf. Methods to assess and facilitate language development.
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SED 574. Field Experiences with Exceptional Learners. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: departmental approval. A practicum experience with exceptional individuals. Emphasis is directed at behavior management, educational assessment, and IEP/IFSP.
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SED 577. Dual Sensory and Communication. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: SED 260. Assessment, planning, and instruction for students with dual sensory impairments and severe cognitive disabilities. Augmentative and alternative communication methods, materials, and devices. Milieu language strategies, symbolic and nonsymbolic communication in natural environments and daily activities.
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SED 580. Audiology for Teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. (3 Credits)
Physics of sound; anatomy, physiology, pathology and medical treatment of the auditory system; introduction to the audiometer and basic pure-tone and speech (auditory) testing; hearing aids and devices; strategies for auditory development.
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SED 581. Speech for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisites: SED 580 or instructor approval. Phonological development, acoustic articulation, rhythm, phrasing, accent, fluency, effects of impairment on speech, speech reading, auditory training.
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