School of Art and Design

Executive Director
Prof. Ida Kumoji-Ankrah
(859) 622-1629
Campbell 309
The Master of Arts in Education degree and the Master of Arts Teaching degree with a concentration in art are offered in the College of Education with the cooperation of the Department of Art. The regulations for the degrees may be found in the College of Education section of this Catalog.
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- Design
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- Instructional Design Learning
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DES 721. Analytical Furniture Design. (3 Credits)
A. Analysis of furniture design in terms of integration of function and styles with structure; coordination of furniture sytle with interior architectural expression.
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DES 850. Graphic Design for Learning. (3 Credits)
(3) I, II. Introduction to the elements and principles of design, methods, tools and software used in the field of graphic design.
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DES 851. User Experience Design. (3 Credits)
(3) I, II. Introduction to the processes and methods of User Experience Design, including user research, contextual design, design thinking, ideation, and prototyping of a service or product.
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Instructional Design Learning
IDL 800. Intro to Instructional Design. (3 Credits)
(3) I, II. A comprehensive introduction to the process, theories and profession of Instructional Design.
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IDL 801. Instructional Design Mastery. (3 Credits)
I, II. Corequisite: IDL 800. Application of design theory, implementation of instructional lessons, selection of suitable instructional technology, evaluation of learners and instructional products, and instruction implementation.
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IDL 802. Data-Driven Decision Making. (3 Credits)
(3) I, II. Data collection and analysis techniques involved in making sound instructional/training and development decisions in organizations.
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IDL 810. Multimedia for Learning. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Exploration, design, and creation of multimedia products that support sound instructional practices.
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IDL 811. Online Learning Design. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Exploration of the modern principles and practices that drive effective online learning, analysis of structure and interaction of online courses to create meaningful online experiences.
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IDL 812. Game Design for Learning. (3 Credits)
(3) I, II. Application of game design in creating instructional materials, development of various gaming concepts, and experiences in gamified learning.
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IDL 813. Instruction for Diverse Learne. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Exploration of design learning experiences while considering diverse audiences and environments, learner characteristics, training theories, and deployment of tested instructional strategies to improve learning outcomes.
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IDL 814. Training the Modern Workforce. (3 Credits)
(3) I, II. Prerequisite: IDL 802. Examining professional development components of workforce training, training programs, and responding to the changing organizational needs.
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IDL 815. AI for Learning Design. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Explore the intersection of artificial intelligence and instructional design while developing personalized, engaging, and meaningful learning experiences.
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IDL 821. Portfolio and Exit Review. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Prerequisites: Completion of nine program-required courses (27 credits) and departmental approval. Culmination of studies and experiences in IDLT. Creation of a professional web portfolio that showcases student's most significant work and internship experiences.
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IDL 839. Field Internship. (3 Credits)
A. Formerly IDL 820. Prerequisite: Completion of 3 out of 10 program courses and departmental approval. The guided internship is designed to afford the IDLT students opportunities to put what they have learned into practice in highly successful environments, collaborating with peers and mentors who have practical experience to share. Credit will not be awarded for both IDL 820 and IDL 839.
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IDL 890. Independent Study. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Prerequisite: Approved Independent Study Proposal Form and Departmental Approval. Faculty Guided Independent research, which allows students to design a research problem and make experimental observations and conclusions. Students will perform in-depth research pertinent to IDLT and craft a project based on their investigation.
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