Department of History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies

Dr. Mark Conard, Chair
Dr. Joshua Lynn, Graduate Coordinator
(859) 622-1365
The Department of History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies offers the Master of Arts in History through thesis, non-thesis, or applied history plans. Program plans provide courses in American and non-American history. The College of Education offers the Master of Arts in Education degree in secondary education with a concentration in history, and regulations for that degree may be found in the College of Education section of this Catalog.
HIS 800. Historiography and Criticism. (3 Credits)
A. A seminar in the history and theory of historical writing and fundamental techniques of the historian.
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HIS 802A. Historical Research and Writin. (3 Credits)
(3). Prerequisite or Corerequisite: HIS 800. Historical research and methodologies using case studies of specific events in U.S. history that have influenced the development of cultures and civilizations.
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HIS 802B. Historical Research in Writing. (3 Credits)
(3) Prerequisite or Corerequisite: HIS 800. Historical research and methodolgies using case studies of specific events in European history that have influenced and continue to influence the development of cultures and civilizations. Course may be retaken to a maximum of 9 hours provided the subject matter differs each time.
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HIS 802C. Historical Research and Writin. (3 Credits)
(3.) A. Prerequisite or Corerequisite: HIS 800. Historical research and methodologies using case studies of specific events in non-Western history that have influenced and continue to influence the development of cultures and civilizations. Course may be retaken to a maximum of 9 hours provided the subject matter differs each time.
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HIS 838. Practicum in Applied History. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: departmental approval. Supervised practice in applied history settings. Selective participation varies with the student's program and participation. May be retaken at the discretion of the department. Three credit hours will require approximately 150 hours of supervised practice plus completion of an independent research project over the course of a semester. Maximum of three credit hours may be applied to the M.A. program in history for students in Thesis or Non-Thesis Plan. Credit up to nine hours awarded toward degree if in Applied History Plan.
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HIS 839. Co-op Study in Applied History. (1-3 Credits)
Prerequisite: Departmental approval; must have been admitted to Masters in history program. Work in placement related to applied history. One to three hours credit per semester or summer. A minimum of 80 hours employment required for each semester hour credit. May be retaken for a maximum of 3 hours. Credit up to 6 hours awarded toward degree if in Applied History Plan. Credit may not otherwise be substituted for any M.A. requirements.
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HIS 840. HIS Topics for 4th-8th Grd Tch. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Seminar on selected topics in history specifically related to 4th through 8th- grade social-studies curriculum. Course may be retaken to a maximum of 9 hours provided the subject matter differs each time. Course is not open to History M.A. students or to secondary-education teachers. Course cannot be used to fulfill requirements for a History M.A.
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HIS 849. Reading and Research:_________. (3 Credits)
A. Independent study in a specific field. Student must have the independent study proposal form approved by faculty supervisor and department chair prior to enrollment. May be retaken to a maximum of six hours, provided the subject matter differs each time.
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HIS 860. Readings in American History:. (3 Credits)
A. Seminar on selected developments in American history. May be retaken to a maximum of nine hours, provided the subject matter differs each time.
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HIS 861. Readings in European History:. (3 Credits)
A. Seminar on selected developments in European history. May be retaken to a maximum of nine hours, provided the subject matter differs each time.
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HIS 862. Reading in Asian/African His:_. (3 Credits)
A. Seminar on selected developments in Asian or African history. May be retaken to a maximum of nine hours, provided subject matter differs each time.
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HIS 863. Readings in Latin American His. (3 Credits)
A. Seminar on selected developments in Latin American history. May be retaken to a maximum of nine hours, provided subject matter differs each time.
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HIS 864. Comparative History:__________. (3 Credits)
A. Seminar on issues in comparative history. May be retaken to a maximum of nine hours, provided the subject matter differs each time.
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HIS 865. Conceptualizing History:______. (3 Credits)
A. Analysis of recent trends in the teaching and conceptualizing of world history, western civilization, and/or U.S. History. May be retaken to a maximum of nine hours, provided the subject matter differs each time.
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HIS 899. Thesis. (3-6 Credits)
May be retaken to a maximum of six hours.
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HIS 899C. Thesis Continuation. (3-9 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: departmental approval. Continuation of research leading to thesis as directed by the chair of the thesis committee. Student must already have registered for six hours of HIS 899. May not be used to satisfy degree program requirement.
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