Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Dr. Dana Howell, Chair
Dr. Renee Causey-Upton, Associate Chair and Graduate Coordinator
Dr. Shirley O’Brien, Post-professional OTD Coordinator
(859) 622-3300
The mission of the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy is to prepare professionals who are leaders in occupational science and occupational therapy reaching the community, the Commonwealth and the world, through education, research, and service, fostering services that provide dignity and respect for all people.
OTS 715. Early Child Sensorimotor Devel. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: education major or degree or instructor¿s approval. Provides an overview of normal sensorimotor development in infants and young children. Includes contrasting normal/ abnormal development and application of appropriate developmental tasks. Laboratory experiences will be provided.
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OTS 720. Provid Hlth Serv in Appalachia. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: departmental approval. An analysis of development and delivery of health care services in Appalachia. Examination of relevant current and historical factors, which have an impact on the health of the Appalachian people.
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OTS 800. OBP: Early Childhood. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Evaluation and intervention related to occupational performance for individuals accessing health and education systems ages 0-5. Theory driven and client centered practices for supporting occupational performance.
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OTS 804. Practice Experience Prep I. (3 Credits)
A. Preparation for Level II fieldwork, Applied
Leadership Experience and Capstone.
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OTS 805. Practice Experience Prep II. (3 Credits)
A. Pre-req: OTS 804. Preparation for Applied Leadership Experience and Capstone.
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OTS 810. OBP: Children and Youth. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Evaluating and intervention related to occupational performance in children ages 5-21 accessing health and education systems. Theory driven and client centered practices for supporting occupational performance.
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OTS 815. OBP: Neurological. (3 Credits)
A. Evaluation and intervention related to preventing and remediating
neurologic diagnoses. Theory driven and client centered practices for supporting occupational performance.
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OTS 820. OBP: Fundamentals. (4 Credits)
(4) A. Corequisite: OTS 821. Foundational knowledge in occupation-based practice including philosophy, theory, context, process, and reasoning. Emphasis on active learning and reasoning skills.
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OTS 821. Level I OT Experience. (3 Credits)
A. Integration and application of foundational knowledge of occupation-based practice through participation in varied practice experiences across a
continuum of care. May be retaken to a maximum of 9 hours.
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OTS 822. OBP: Health Care Practice 1. (4 Credits)
A. Corequisite: OTS 821. Lecture and lab to include theories, principles and methods of evaluation, intervention and outcome processes for individuals accessing health systems. Course will focus on engagement in occupation to support participation in life roles across the lifespan.
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OTS 824. OBP: Health Care Practice 2. (4 Credits)
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OTS 825. technology and Rehabilitation. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: computer literacy or departmental approval. Advanced exploration of occupational therapy knowledge and skill about assistive technology. Emphasis on application and use of assistive technology to enhance occupational performance of individuals with disabilities.
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OTS 830. OBP: Education Communities. (4 Credits)
A. Prerequisites: OTS 824 and OTS 832. Corequisite: OTS 871. Occupation-based assessment and intervention for children and young adults in educational contexts. Course addresses models of practice, service delivery, federal/state legislation and philosophy of administration. Active learning experiences in the community.
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OTS 831. Practice Seminar II. (2 Credits)
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OTS 832. OBP: Community-Based Practice. (4 Credits)
A. Corequisite: OTS 831. Theories, principles and methods of evaluation, intervention and outcome processes for individuals and groups assessing social systems through the lifespan. Course will focus on engagement in occupation for community participation.
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OTS 834. OBP: Advanced Dimensions. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: permission of department. Advanced conceptualization and synthesis of Occupational Science and existing models of Occupational Therapy for practice. Includes analysis and application of occupation-based practice and evidence within specialty areas.
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OTS 835. OT Intervention in Workplace. (3 Credits)
I, II, A. Prerequisite: OTS 820 or departmental approval. Exploration of the direct and indirect service roles and functions of the occupational therapist in the workplace. Emphasis will be on the work-related behaviors and environmental assessments for health promotion, prevention and work adjustment.
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OTS 836. OBP: Optimizing Occupation. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: graduate standing in the occupational therapy program; OTS 822, and 832. Specialized evaluation and intervention in occupational therapy practice with emphasis on emerging practice areas. Students will synthesize and apply skills of best practice for optimizing occupations.
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OTS 837. UE Evaluation & Intervention. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: OTS 822 or departmental approval. This course focuses on advanced study of the upper extremity including evaluation and treatment techniques in evidence-based occupational therapy practice.
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OTS 840. OBP: Mental Health. (3 Credits)
A Evaluation and intervention related to mental health conditions:
Neurocognitive, psychosocial, and behavioral. Theory driven and client centered practices for supporting occupational performance
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OTS 845. Level II Fieldwork A. (6 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all didactic coursework or department approval. Twelve weeks of fieldwork in health care practice, community-based practice, education, mental health, or emerging practice to promote systematic evaluation; diagnose occupational performance deficits; develop and implement intervention plans based on occupational profiles and evidence; measure client outcomes; and document findings.
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OTS 846. Level II Fieldwork B. (6 Credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of all didactic coursework. Twelve week fieldwork in health care practice, community-based practice, education, mental health, or emerging practice to promote systematic evaluation; diagnose occupational performance deficits; develop and implement intervention plans based on occupational profiles and evidence; measure client outcomes; and document findings. Fieldwork experience must be completed in a different setting and/or population than Level II Fieldwork A.
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OTS 846S. Early Childhood Practice. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: OTS820 or departmental approval. Advanced study of theories, models of practice, and therapeutic approaches in early intervention and preschool enviroments within the context of state and federal laws. Emphasizes therapeutic interventions in early childhood through service learning.
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OTS 847. Emerging Practice Fieldwork. (1-3 Credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of all didactic coursework. Two to six week fieldwork in an emerging or traditional practice settings to develop/refine skills. Includes online reflective seminar.
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OTS 850. Management Principles for OT. (3 Credits)
A. Principles of supervision, collaboration, strategic planning, and
developing, funding, and managing an occupational therapy practice.
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OTS 851. Strategic Communication in OT. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: undergraduate/graduate course in administration or consent of instructor. Study of change theory and factors affecting communication in practice settings.
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OTS 852. OT Serv in Mental Hlth Setting. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: OTS 820 or departmental approval. Examination of external forces influencing mental health services and models of occupational therapy service delivery, emphasizing community-based and rural health programs.
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OTS 853. Leadership in Human Services. (3 Credits)
A. Advance ethical leadership skills through development and application of current leadership theory to become a change agent to positively impact the profession.
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OTS 855. Role of OT & the Aging Adult. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: OTS 820 or departmental approval. Advanced study of occupational therapy¿s role in delivering services to the aging adult in emerging/innovative programming. Identification and analysis of factors which promote/hinder quality of life.
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OTS 855S. Role of OT & the Aging Adult. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: OTS 820 or departmental approval. Advanced study of occupational therapy's role in delivering services to the aging adult in emerging/innovative programming. Identification and analysis of factors which promote/hinder quality of life. Credit will not be awarded for both OTS 855 and 855S.
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OTS 860. OBP: Emerging Practice. (3 Credits)
A. Evaluation and intervention related to emerging areas of
occupational therapy practice, including assistive technology. Theory driven and client centered practices
for supporting occupational performance.
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OTS 862. Thera. Modalities in OT Pract. (3 Credits)
Addresses occupational therapy theoretical principles, neurophysiological and electrophysical changes that occur as a result of the application of selected physical and electrical modalities. Students will develop skill in the application of these modalities.
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OTS 863. Occupation & Sensory Process. (3 Credits)
A. Understanding the impact of sensory processing disorders on occupational natures will enable students to provide appropriate intervention. Occupational adaptation and sensory integrative theories will be applied as conceptual frameworks for occupational therapy intervention.
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OTS 864. Early Childhood Practice. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: OTS 820 or departmental approval. Advanced study of theories, models of practice, and therapeutic approaches in early intervention and preschool environments within the context of state and federal laws. Emphsizes the interdisciplinary nature of therapy service delivery in the early childhood.
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OTS 864S. Early Childhood Practice. (3 Credits)
(A) Prerequisite: OTS 820 or departmental approval. Advanced study of theories, models of practice, and therapeutic approaches in early intervention and preschool environments within the context of state and federal laws. Emphasizes therapeutic interventions in early childhood through service learning.
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OTS 865. School-based Practice. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: Departmental approval. In-depth study of school-based therapy. Theories, principles, models of practice, and methods of therapy service delivery for students with learning and behavioral difficulties, within the context of state and federal laws.
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OTS 866. OT & Behavior Disorder in Sch. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: OTS 820 or departmental approval. Examination and application of occupational therapy theoretical models used in evaluation and intervention for this population and the external systems affecting service delivery.
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OTS 870. Profess Trends & Issues in OT. (3 Credits)
I, II. Trends and issues impacting the occupational therapy profession. Advancement of professional roles of consultant, entrepreneur, educator, leader and researcher.
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OTS 871. Practice Seminar III. (2 Credits)
A. Corequesite: OTS 830. Integration of occupation-based practice through reflection on curriculum themes, participation in community-based learning in education, preparation for Level II Fieldwork and completion of a professional portfolio.
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OTS 871S. Professional Seminar II. (3 Credits)
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OTS 875. Special Topics: ______________. (1-3 Credits)
Advanced study of selected topics in occupational therapy practice.
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OTS 880. Res in Occupational Therapy. (3 Credits)
I, II, A. Exploration, critical analysis and application of research and evidence-based practice in occupational therapy. Emphasis on preparation and implementation of a research study.
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OTS 882. Advanced Occupational Science. (3 Credits)
II. Exploration of occupational science as a disciplinary knowledge base , current research on occupation-based practice, and methods of developing occupation-based practice. Emphasis on change, clinical leadership and research.
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OTS 883. Change and Complexity in OBP. (3 Credits)
A. Comprehensive critique of disciplinary literature describing professional applications of occupation. Deriving insights into occupation-based practice (OBP) through perspecitves from history, systems, chaos, change, and complexity. Action and change research methods for the development of occupation-based practice.
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OTS 884. Qualitative Inquiry Approaches. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: Undergraduate course in research design. This course synthesizes the rationale, theoretical foundations, design, methods, analysis, and ethical issues related to qualitative research. Students analyze five approaches of qualitative inquiry, and develop a research prospectus.
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OTS 885. Occupational Perform. Measures. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: OTS 880 and occupational therapy graduate status or departmental approval. Analysis of clinical evaluation instrumentation. Review of measurement issues and use of instruments in evidence-based practice in occpational therapy. Integration into occupation-based practice.
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OTS 886. Culture and Diversity in OT. (3 Credits)
A. Importance of culture and diversity in the understanding of health disparities in health care policy and OT practice. Global and national policy and program models for inclusion of culture, diversity and disability are highlighted.
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OTS 890. Independent Study in OT. (1-3 Credits)
I, II, A. Prerequisite: advisor/departmental approval. Student initiated directed study. Regular consultation with faculty supervisor and final paper required. May be retaken under different subtopics to a cumulative maximum of six hours. Approval of independent study proposal by faculty supervisor and department chair must occur prior to enrollment.
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OTS 895. OT Research Project I. (3 Credits)
(3) A Development and initiation of a research project as part of a research team. Application of critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills to investigate occupational science and occupational therapy research inquiries.
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OTS 896. Research Project II. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: OTS 895. Completion of a research project as part of a research team. Application of critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills to investigate occupational science and occupational therapy research inquiries and disseminate results.
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OTS 898. Thesis I. (3 Credits)
I, II, A. Proposal development leading to thesis as directed by chair of thesis committee.
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OTS 899. Thesis II. (3 Credits)
Research leading to thesis as directed by chair of thesis committee.
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OTS 899C. Thesis/Project Continuation. (1-3 Credits)
I, II, A. Prerequisite: advisor/departmental approval. Continuation of research leading to thesis/ special project as directed by the chair of student¿s committee. May be retaken as necessary to complete research. May not be used to satisfy degree program requirements.
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OTS 901. OTD Leadership Seminar I. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: Enrollment in OTD Program. Foundational work for development of OTD capstone and Applied Leadership Experience. Conceptualize identity as a leader for change. Develop methods to assess population needs to improve occupation-based programming.
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OTS 902. OTD Leadership Seminar II. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite or Corequisite: OTS 901. Explore options for professional development and leadership experiences. Assess population needs to support occupation-based programming.
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OTS 903. Capstone I: Project Developmnt. (3 Credits)
(3) Prequisite: OTS 902. Design capstone project based on needs assessment, literature synthesis, and professional goals to serve as a change agent for occupation-based programming. Capstone emphases are ethical leadership within change and OBP for diverse populations.
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OTS 904. Capstone II: Implmt and Eval. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Prerequisite: OTS 903. Implement capstone project. Evaluate capstone project outcomes to assess change in occupation-based programming.
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OTS 905. Applied Leadership Experience. (3-6 Credits)
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OTS 906. OTD Capstone. (1-3 Credits)
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OTS 910. Policy and Advocacy for OT. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Analysis of social and healthcare policy on the profession of occupational therapy. Program development to address health disparities, and advocacy needs in emerging practice.
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OTS 911. Applied Research for OT. (3 Credits)
(3) I. Students will apply researrch methods, synthesize, paradigms, design, methods, and ethical issues related to research, and discuss funding options. The role of the researcher as an agent of change in practice will be emphasized.
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OTS 912. Evidence-based Practice for OT. (3 Credits)
(3) II. Evaluate and perform critical research appraisals to justify intervention decisions. Content focuses on: Clinical Reasoning, outcomes measurement, finding evidence, changes in practice, ethics, and communicating evidence-based decisions to stakeholders.
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OTS 913. Educational Practices for OT. (3 Credits)
(3) I. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the OTD Program. Fundamental principles of designing and implementing educational programs across the lifespan. Educational strategies and learning theories will be analyzed and applied to clinical, community, and didactic settings and populations.
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