School of Nursing

Dr. Brooke Bentley, Chair
(859) 622-1956
Rowlett 225
Dr. Lisa Jones, Associate Chair
(859) 622-1941
Rowlett 220
The programs in the School of Nursing include Associate of Applied Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing and Doctor of Nursing Practice.
The mission of the School of Nursing is to educate nurses at the Associate, Baccalaureate, Masters and Doctorate levels who work in interprofessional environments to promote health and well-being for diverse populations across the Commonwealth, country and world.
NSC 700. Early Childhood Health Care. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: education major or permission of instructor. Focuses on the development of competencies necessary for health management of young children (ages birth to five years) with special health care needs. Appropriate for non-health care professionals in the community or classroom.
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NSC 800. Advanced Practice Role. (1-9 Credits)
A. Advanced practice role clinical experience. Students will retake for the minimum number of hours required for their specialty concentration.
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NSC 802. Population-Focused Practice. (1-6 Credits)
A. Clinical experience for graduate nursing administration students to demonstrate population focused nursing leadership competencies. Students will retake for the minimum number of credit hours required for the specialty option.
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NSC 830. Advanced Pharmacology. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: admission to MSN program or department approval. Application of pharmacotherapeutic principles to the treatment and management of conditions across the life span.
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NSC 832. Advanced Health Assessment. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: admission to MSN program or department approval. Emphasis is on the advanced skills necessary for Advanced Practice nursing in assessing the health status of clients from across the life span. Diagnostic reasoning and systems approach will be emphasized.
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NSC 834. Advanced Pathophysiology. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: admission to the MSN program or department approval. Application of advanced pathophysiology to the diagnosis and treatment of conditions across the life span.
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NSC 836. Rural Public Health Nursing I. (2 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: admission to the MSN program. Corequisite: NSC 802. An analysis of the core concepts of advanced public health nursing with an emphasis on rural public health needs, health care systems, and the role of the nurse.
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NSC 837. Three P's- Public Hlth Nursing. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Prerequisite: Admission to the MSN program, HEA 855, NSC 850. Explore the relevance and benefit of epidemiology in the field of organizational healthcare management, including a focus on population outcomes and the 3 P's: Prevalence of disease, Prevention of adverse events, and Preparedness for emergencies.
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NSC 838. Topics for Advanced Practice. (1-6 Credits)
A. Selected topics will be offered as appropriate for enhancement of advanced practice nursing role. May be retaken under different topics for a maximum of six credit hours.A. Selected topics will be offered as appropriate for enhancement of advanced practice nursing role. May be retaken under different topics for a maximum of six credit hours.
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NSC 840. Theoretical Foundation for EBC. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: admission to the MSN program or department approval. Provides a basic understanding of the process of theory construction and an appreciation of the role that theory plays in providing a scientific basis for nursing.
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NSC 842. Advanced Nsg. Practice Issues. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: admission to the MSN program or department approval. Analysis of professional issues and strategies, which can facilitate the development of the nursing profession. Consideration of selected variables influencing the development and resolution of issues.
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NSC 850. Assessment and Collaboration. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Prerequisite or Corequisite: HEA 855 with a minimum grade of B. Analyze Advanced Nursing concepts of assessment and dimensions of practice related to population-focused health care within communities and systems.
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NSC 852. Program and Policy Development. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Prerequisite: NSC 850 with a minimum grade of "B"; Corequisite: Analysis of the core concepts and competencies of advanced nursing Administration with an emphasis on program and policy development and quality improvement initiatives for population-focused health.
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NSC 854. Management of Health Care. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: admission to MSN program. Theoretical basis for the advanced nurse¿s role in management of health care in rural settings. Strategies for the improvement of health care in rural settings will be analyzed.
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NSC 856. Nursing Resource Management. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Prerequisite: Admission to MSN program. Overview of nursing resource management for the nurse leader to promote a fiscally responsible health care environment.
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NSC 858. Nursing System Quality Mgmt. (3 Credits)
(3) A. Prerequisite: Admission to MSN program. Explore and analyze the role of the nurse leader as it relates to quality management and safety for system effectiveness and healthcare outcomes.
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NSC 860. Nursing AdminPracticum. (3 Credits)
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NSC 862. Nursing Admin Internship. (3 Credits)
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NSC 870. Rural Health FNP I. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: NSC 830, NSC 832, NSC 834, and NSC 840, each with a grade of B or better. Course provides theoretical and diagnostic knowledge necessary to confront problems relevant to the health care of individuals across the life span. Emphasis on health promotion, disease prevention and management of common health problems.
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NSC 872. Rural Health FNP II. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisites: NSC 870 with a minimum grade of B. Corequisite: Theoretical and diagnostic knowledge necessary to confront problems relevant to the health care of individuals across the life span. Emphasis on health promotion, disease prevention, and management of common health problems. Builds on NSC 870.
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NSC 874. Rural Health FNP III. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: NSC 872 with a minimum grade of ¿B.¿ Corequisite: NSC 800. Theoretical and diagnostic knowledge necessary to confront problems relevant to the health care of individuals across the life span. Emphasis on health promotion, disease prevention and management of common health problems. Builds on NSC 872.
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NSC 876. Rural Health FNP Internship. (6 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: NSC 870, NSC 872, NSC 874, each with a minimum grade of "B", and eight hours of NSC 800. Prerequisite /Co requisite: NSC 842, with a minimum grade of "B". Course allows synthesis of theoretical and diagnostic knowledge in a concentrated rural primary care practicum. Emphasis on health promotion, disease prevention and management of common health problems in individuals and families across the lifespan.
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NSC 880. Rural PMHNP I. (3 Credits)
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NSC 881. Applied Psychopharmacology. (3 Credits)
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NSC 882. Rural PMHNP II. (3 Credits)
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NSC 883. Rural PMHNP Child Adolescent. (3 Credits)
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NSC 884. Rural PMHNP III. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: NSC 882 with a minimum grade of "B". Theoretical and diagnostic knowledge necessary to diagnose and treat psychiatric orders across the life span. Group skills, community resources, and the context of professional practice are examined.
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NSC 886. Rural PMHNP Internship. (5 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: NSC 884 with a minimum grade of "B" and seven hours of NSC 800. Prerequisite/Co requisite: NSC 842, with a minimum grade of B. Synthesis of theoretical and diagnostic knowledge to promote mental health and maintain mental health across the life span. Systematically examines opportunities for improving PMHNP practice.
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NSC 890. Synthesizing Evidence for ANP. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: NSC 840, with a minimum grade of "B". Critical appraisal and synthesis of nursing and inter-professional research as a foundation for evidence-based advanced nursing practice in diverse populations.
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NSC 892. Evidence-based Proj in ANP. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: NSC 890, with a minimum grade of B. Implementation of an evidence-based project to improve health or healthcare delivery for diverse populations.
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NSC 895. Independent Study in Nursing. (1-6 Credits)
A. May be retaken under different subtopics to a cumulative maximum of six hours. Student must have the independent study proposal form approved by faculty supervisor and department chair prior to enrollment.
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NSC 900. Organizational Leadership: DNP Experience I. (1-3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: Admission to DNP program. Explore issues pertinent to role transition and role assimilation for the DNP graduate.
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NSC 901. Organizational Leadership: DNP Experience II. (1-3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: NSC 990. Provides an opportunity for synthesis of evidence-based theoretical concepts to incorporate into practice.
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NSC 905. Analytical Methods for EBP. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: Admission to DNP Program. Description and analysis of quantitative data using statistical and graphical methods for purposes of evidence-based practice.
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NSC 938. Special Topics for DNP. (1-6 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: Admissions to DNP Program. Selected topics will be offered as appropriate for enhancement of advanced nursing role. May be retaken under different topics for a maximum of six credit hours.
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NSC 940. Theoretical Appl for DNP. (2 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: Admissions to DNP Program. Theoretical perspectives, integration of nursing science, and the interrelationships among theory, research, and evidence-based nursing practice will be explored, emphasizing strategies for knowledge and theory development, evaluation, and application.
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NSC 941. DNP Project Seminar. (1 Credit)
A. Co-requisite: Admissions to DNP Program Pre and/or Co-requisite NSC 940. This is a seminar course where students will engage in outlining the planning process of a DNP Project.
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NSC 942. Healthcare Deliv. Informatics. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: Admission to DNP Program. Focuses on theoretical basis of information systems in healthcare, impact of informatics on clinical practice and administrative decision-making, and strategies to evaluate and improve use of information technology in health care.
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NSC 950. Health Policy. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: Admission to DNP Program. Analysis of the policy process in order to develop advanced nursing leadership skills for designing, implementing, and evaluating health policy.
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NSC 954. Organizational Leadership. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: Admission to DNP Program. Explores theoretical foundations of leadership with an organization systems perspective. Examine principles of organizational systems, quality improvement, dimensions of healthcare/ organizations, and human resource management.
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NSC 960. Mngmnt of Health Care Resource. (3 Credits)
(4) A. Prerequisite: Admission to the DNP program. Examines healthcare resources and their relationship to clinical practice, to solve problems/issues pertaining to healthcare delivery. Students are expected to have a basic understanding of economic and financial concepts utilized to examine these issues.
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NSC 990. Synthesizing Evidence for DNP. (3 Credits)
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NSC 992. Implementation Methods for DNP. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: NSC 990 with a minimum grade of "B". Translate scientific multi-disciplinary knowledge into complex interventions to imporve practice and health outcomes in the development of a proposal to enhance evidence-based practice.
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NSC 994. DNP Project. (3-9 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: NSC 992, with a minimum grade of "B". Translate a body of evidence-based research in the implementation of a project to improve practice and health outcomes.
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NSC 995. Independent Study in Nursing. (1-6 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: Admission to DNP Program. May be retaken under different subtopics to a cumulative maximum of six hours. Student must have the independent study proposal form approved by faculty supervisor and department chair prior to enrollment.
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