Department of Biological Sciences

Interim Chair
Dr. Luke Dodd
(859) 622-1531
Science Building 3238
K. Blank, A. Braccia, D. Brown, P. Calie, S. Chambers, B. Davis, L. Dodd, C. Elliott, S. Harrel, D. Hayes, J. Koslow, L. Middleton, C. Mott, O. Oakley, V. Peters, M. Pierce, S. Richter, K. Simpson, W. Staddon, S. Sumithran, A. Whitson, and A. Wigginton.
- Biology, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Aquatic Biology (B.S.)
- Biology, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Biodiversity and Conservation (B.S.)
- Biology, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Biology Teaching (B.S.)
- Biology, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in General Biology (B.S.)
- Biomedical Sciences, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Biomedical Research (B.S.)
- Biomedical Sciences, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Pre-Dental (B.S.)
- Biomedical Sciences, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Pre-Medical (B.S.)
- Biomedical Sciences, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Pre-Optometry (B.S.)
- Biomedical Sciences, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Pre-Physician Associate (B.S.)
- Biomedical Sciences, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Pre-Veterinary (B.S.)
- Wildlife Management, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Conservation Management (B.S.)
- Wildlife Management, Bachelor of Science with a Concentration in Game Management (B.S.)
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- Biology
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- Wildlife Management
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BIO 100. Introductory Biology. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: Completion of all academic readiness requirements in English and reading or ENG101R; and MAT ACT score of 19 or higher, or Math SAT score of 500 or higher, or passing score on math placement test, or MAT 105 or higher, or STA 215 or higher. The course will deal with introductory principles of biology that are fundamental to an individual’s knowledge as it pertains to the interrelationships of organisms in the natural world. Topics to be addressed: cellular basis of life, metabolism, genetics, biological diversity, reproduction, evolution, ecology, and environmental biology. May not be used to satisfy area, major, or minor requirements. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for BIO 101 or 102. 2 Lec/2 Lab. Gen. Ed. E-4 [NS]
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BIO 101. Essentials of Biology. (3 Credits)
I, II. ONLINE ONLY. Prerequisite: Completion of all academic readiness requirements in English and reading or ENG 101R; and Math ACT score of 19 or higher, or Math SAT score of 500 or higher, or passing score on math placement test, or MAT 105 or higher, or STA 215 or higher. Biological principles and applications as relates to life on earth from the molecular to ecosphere scale; current topics in genetics, evolution, ecology, plant and animal diversity, and human biology will be discussed. May not be used to satisfy area, major, or minor requirements. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for BIO 100 or 102. 2 Lec/2 Lab. Gen. Ed. E-4 [NS].
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BIO 102. Inquiry Biology for Teachers. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisites: completion of all academic readiness requirements in English and reading or ENG 101R; and Math ACT score of 19 or higher, Math SAT score of 500 or higher, or passing score on math placement test, or MAT 105 or higher; pre-teaching or elementary, and middle school, special education, and DHH majors only, or departmental approval. An inquiry-based, conceptual-approach biological sciences course for teaching majors. Topics include the nature of science, cell biology, biodiversity, inheritance, ecology and ecosystems, evolution and adaptation. May not be used to satisfy area, major, or minor requirements. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for BIO 100 or 101. 2 Lec/2 Lab. Gen. Ed. E-4 [NS]
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BIO 111. Cell and Molecular Biology. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite or Corequisite: BIO 111L and completion of all academic readiness requirements in English and reading or ENG 101R; and Math ACT score of 19 or higher, or Math SAT score of 500 or higher, or passing score on math placement test, or MAT 105 or higher, or STA 215 or higher. An introduction to fundamental principles of cell and molecular biology as they apply to plants, animals, and microbes; the molecular basis of life, cellular structure and function, genetic and molecular biology. Designed for biology majors. 3 Lec. Gen. Ed. E-4 [NS].
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BIO 111L. Cell and Molecular Biology Lab. (1 Credit)
I, II. Prerequisite or Corequisite: BIO 111. Laboratory component of BIO 111. Selected laboratory exercises demonstrate basic biological concepts with an emphasis on the structure and function of cells. Basic laboratory techniques, microscope slide and solution preparation, molecular modeling, DNA extraction, genetic analysis. 2 Lab. Gen. Ed. IV with BIO 111.
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BIO 112. Ecology and Evolution. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite or Corequisite: BIO 112L and completion of all academic readiness requirements in English and reading or ENG 101R; and Math ACT score of 19 or higher, or Math SAT score of 500 or higher, or passing score on math placement test, or MAT 105 or higher, or STA 215 or higher. An introduction to the fundamental principles of ecology and evolution: interactions among plants, animals, microbes, and their environment, and the diversification of life through evolutionary processes. Designed for biology majors. 3 Lec. Gen. Ed. E-4 [NS].
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BIO 112L. Ecology and Evolution Lab. (1 Credit)
I, II. Prerequisite or Corequisite: BIO 112. Laboratory component of BIO 112. Selected laboratory exercises demonstrate fundamental principles of ecology and evolution. Basic laboratory and field techniques, computer simulations, quantitative reasoning, statistical and phylogenetic analysis. 2 Lab. Gen. Ed. IV with BIO 112.
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BIO 208. Human Anatomy and Physiology I. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite or Corequisite: BIO 208L and completion of academic readiness requirements in English and reading or ENG 101R, MAT 105 or higher, or passing score on math placement test, or STA 215 or higher or CHE 105 or higher. Basic chemistry and the interrelationship of structure and function of body systems including cell structure, cell physiology, metabolism, tissues, and integumentary, skeletal, muscular, sensory and nervous systems. 3 Lecture. Credit will not be awarded for both BIO 208 and BIO 171 or BIO 307.
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BIO 208L. Human Anatomy & Physiology I Lab. (1 Credit)
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BIO 215. Insects and Society. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or 105(B) or HON 102. An introduction to insects and their influence on human society. Impacts of insects on our food supply, homes and health, as well as the influence of insects on culture, world history, and the long-term maintenance of the Earth's critical support systems. May not be used to satisfy biology major or minor requirements.
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BIO 271. Advanced Human Anatomy. (3 Credits)
II. Prerequisites: BIO 171 (grade of C or better) or 308 (grade of C or better). An advanced study of human anatomy. Emphasis is placed on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems and their anatomical and functional relationships. May not be used to satisfy area, major, or minor requirements. 2 Lec/2 Lab.
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BIO 273. Clinical Microbiology. (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: BIO 171 (grade of C or better) or BIO 208 (grade of C or better). A study of microorganisms as causative agents in diseases of humans with emphasis on differentiation and culture, types of diseases, modes of transmission, prophylactic, therapeutic and epidemiological considerations. May not be used to satisfy area, major, or minor requirements. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for MLS 209. 3 Lec.
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BIO 305. Biology of Sex. (3 Credits)
I. II. Prerequisite: ENG 102, or 105 (B), or HON 102, or departmental approval. Crosslisted as WGS 311. Fundamental principles related to human sexual reproduction. Structure, function, control, and coordination of the human reproductive system. Problems associated with fertility, sexuality, birth control, STD's, and human population will be discussed. May not be used to satisfy area, major or minor requirements. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for WGS 311.
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BIO 307. Human Anatomy and Physiology I. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: Completion of all academic readiness requirements and composite ACT of 20 or higher or completion of BIO 100 (grade of C or better) or 111 (grade of C or better). Basic chemistry and the interrelationship of structure and function of body systems including cell structure, cell physiology, metabolism, tissues, and integumentary, skeletal, muscular, sensory and nervous systems. 2 Lec./2 lab. Credit will not be awarded for both BIO 171 and BIO 307.
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BIO 308. Human Anatomy and Physiology II. (3 Credits)
I, II Prerequisite: BIO 307 (grade of C or better) or BIO 171 (C or better) or major in pre-medical lab science or EHS. The interrelationship of structure and function of body systems including endocrine, cardiovascular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive, lymphatic and immune systems. 2 Lec/2 Lab. Credit will not be awarded for both BIO 308 and BIO 301, 378.
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BIO 315. Genetics. (4 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: BIO 111 (grade of C or better) and 112 (grade of C or better). Discussion of Mendelian genetics, molecular genetics, genetic mapping, and population genetics. Emphasis on critical thinking skills and logic through experimental analysis. Laboratory will include experimental manipulation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. 3 Lec/3 Lab.
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BIO 316. Ecology. (4 Credits)
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BIO 318. General Botany. (4 Credits)
I,II. Prerequisite: BIO 111 (grade of C or better) and 112 (grade of C or better). Structure and functions of vascular plants; morphology, classification, life histories, ecology and evolution of autotrophs, plantlike protisits and fungi. 3 Lec/3 Lab. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for BIO 131.
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BIO 319. General Zoology. (4 Credits)
I,II. Prerequisite: BIO 111 (grade of C or better) and 112 (grade of C or better). Morphology, physiology, comparative anatomy, development, life history, evolution, and diversity of animals. 3 Lec/3 Lab. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for BIO 141.
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BIO 320. Principles of Microbiology. (4 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: BIO 111 (grade of C or better), BIO 112 (grade of C or better), and CHE 112 (grade of C or better) or Environmental Health Science major with BIO 111 (C) and CHE 112 (C). A study of bacteria and other microorganisms, their morphology, development and function; techniques of isolation, cultivation and identification; physiology, nutrition, and genetics; role of microbes in medicine, agriculture, and industry. 2 Lec/4 Lab.
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BIO 331. Cell Biology. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: BIO 111 (grade of C or better) and CHE 361 (grade of C or better) or departmental approval. An examination of cellular structure and function. Emphasis will be placed on macromolecule biosynthesis, gene expression, membrane dynamics, cytoskeletal function, intracellular signaling, cascades, protein trafficking, and intercellular interactions. Molecular research methods and their applications will also be discussed.
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BIO 332. Careers in Biomedical Sciences. (1 Credit)
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BIO 335. Plant Systematics. (3 Credits)
II. Prerequisite: BIO 111 (grade of C or better), 112 (grade of C or better), and 318 (grade of C or better); or departmental approval. Identification, classification and phylogeny of vascular plants; principles of taxonomy. 1 Lec/4 Lab.
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BIO 342. Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy. (4 Credits)
I. Prerequisite: BIO 112 (grade of C or better), and 319 (grade of C or better); or departmental approval. Evolutionary relationships of the classes of vertebrates are investigated through their anatomy. Laboratory studies or organs and systems of vertebrate animals primarily compare the dogfish shark, the mudpuppy (Necturus), and the cat. 2 Lec/4 Lab.
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BIO 348. Vertebrate Physiology. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: BIO 331 (grade of C or better); CHE 112 (grade of C or better), or departmental approval. Command of human physiology through an integrated study of the physical, chemical, and cellular aspects of physiological systems across vertebrates. Group work and critical thinking will be stressed utilizing human case studies and computer simulations. 3 Lec.
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BIO 349. Applied Learning in Biology. (0.5-8 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisites: BIO 111 (C or better) or BIO 112 (C or better). Work in placements related to academic studies. One to eight hours credit per semester or summer. A minimum of 80 hours of employment required for each semester hour of academic credit. Three hourse may be applied to the major. May not be used to satisfy minor requirements. Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.
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BIO 371. Neuroanatomy. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: BIO 308 (grade of "C" or better) or departmental approval. Anatomy of the nervous system and the relationships to functions of systems of the human body. May not be used to satisfy area, major, or minor requirements in the Department of Biological Sciences. 2 Lec/2 Lab.
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BIO 375. Microbes and Food. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or 105 (B) or HON 102 and BIO 111 (grade of C or better) or departmental approval. An overview of food-borne illness and food safety, the role of microbes in food production and the relationships between diet and the human microbiome. Credit will not be awarded to students for both BIO 375 and 375W.
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BIO 490. Biology Seminar. (1 Credit)
I, II. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing in biology. Students and members of the faculty meet to present, discuss, and exchange ideas on selected topics, based on the scientific literature for the biological sciences.
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BIO 495. Evolutionary Application and Theory. (1 Credit)
I, II. Prerequisite: Senior standing in Biology, Biomedical Sciences, or Wildlife Management. Discussion of topics relating to evolutionary theory with special emphasis on the impact of evolution in everyday life. This is a course that builds upon evolutionary concepts learned throughout the biology curriculum. 2 Lab.
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BIO 500. Environmental Issues. (3 Credits)
II. Prerequisite: BIO 100 (grade of C or better), 102 (grade of C or better), or 112 (grade of C or better). Students will learn to identify, investigate, and evaluate environmental issues as well as plan appropriate action based on their analysis. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for ENV 500, CNM 800, and BIO 700.
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BIO 514. Evolution. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: BIO 315 (grade of C or better) or departmental approval. A study of Darwinism, the history of life in the context of contemporary biology, and the evidences and mechanisms of evolutionary change, with particular emphasis on human evolution and the challenges of teaching and understanding evolution in modern society.
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BIO 520. Invasive Species Management. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisites: Senior standing; BIO 316 (C or better) or department approval. Examination of the circumstances that allow introduced species to become invasive. Reviews the current approaches used to reduce the incidence and impact of invasive species. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for BIO 599/799 Special Topics: Invasive Species Management.
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BIO 521. Plant Ecology. (4 Credits)
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BIO 525. Aquatic and Wetland Plants. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: BIO 111 (grade of C or better), 112 (grade of C or better), and 318 (grade of C or better); or departmental approval. Collection, systematics, distribution, ecology, and reproduction of aquatic and wetland vascular plants. 1 Lec/4 Lab.
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BIO 527. Immunology. (3 Credits)
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BIO 528. Virology. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: BIO 320 (grade of C or better); or departmental approval. Fundamentals of classification, structure, and pathogenesis of viruses. Host-virus interactions and their applications to medicine and industry. Viral related areas of immunology, cell culture procedures, and applications will be introduced. 2 Lec/3 Lab.
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BIO 529. Microbiology in Everyday Life. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: BIO 100 (grade of C or better), or 102 (grade of C or better), or 111 (grade of C or better) , or 112 (grade of C or better), or departmental approval. Microbes in medicine, agriculture, and industry; emphasis on teaching microbiology in the classroom. Course open only to Biology-Teaching or Education majors.
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BIO 531. Principles of Molecular Biology. (4 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisites: BIO 320 (grade of C or better) or 331 (grade of C or better), and CHE 361 (grade of C or better); or departmental approval. An in-depth study of the structure, function, and technological applications of nucleic acids and proteins. Laboratory experiences will involve manipulations of DNA and RNA molecules for the purpose of isolation, genetic engineering, forensics, and gene expression analysis. Credit will not be awarded for both BIO 531 and BIO 531S 2 Lec/4 Lab.
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BIO 531S. Principles of Molecular Biology. (4 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisite: BIO 320 (grade of C or better) or 331 (grade of C or better) and CHE 361 (grade of C or better); or departmental approval. An in-depth study of the structure, function, and technological applications of nucleic acids and proteins. Laboratory experiences will involve manipulations of DNA and RNA molecules for the purpose of isolation, genetic engineering, forensics, and gene expression analysis. Credit will not be awarded for both BIO 531S and BIO 531 2 Lec/4 Lab.
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BIO 532. Conservation Biology. (3 Credits)
II. Prerequisite: BIO 316 (grade of C or better) or departmental approval. Examination of principles and practices of conserving global biological diversity. Emphasis on causes, consequences and rates of extinction, as well as the natural resource planning and policies used to mitigate the loss of biodiversity. Focus will be given to the application of philosophical, biological, sociological, legal, and on-the-ground management principles for the conservation of genes, species and ecosystems.
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BIO 533. Bioinformatics: Principles and Applications. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: BIO 315 (grade of C or better); or departmental
approval. An exposure to the theory and practice of bioinformatics, as they relate to laboratory (Cell and Molecular Biology, Biochemistry) and field (Evolutionary and Population Biology) research applications in the life sciences. Discussion and utilization of the prevalent approaches and methodologies currently used in Bioinformatics.
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BIO 535. Pathogenic Microbiology. (4 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: BIO 320 (grade of C or better); or departmental approval. Studies in the field of advanced clinical microbiology with emphasis on morphology, cultivation, biochemistry, and serological identification of bacterial diseases; aspects of pathogenesis, epidemiology, and control measures of bacterial and mycotic diseases. 2 Lec/4 Lab.
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BIO 536. Dendrology. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: BIO 318 (grade of C or better); or departmental approval. Woody plant taxonomy with emphasis on field identification of trees and shrubs in summer and winter conditions; habitats and distributions; economic importance; forest regions of North America. 1 Lec/4 Lab.
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BIO 542. Freshwater Invertebrates. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: BIO 112 (grade of C or better) and 319 (grade of C or better) or departmental approval. Collection, systematics, distribution, behavior, ecology, and life histories of freshwater invertebrates. 2 Lec/3 Lab.
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BIO 546. Histology. (4 Credits)
II. Prerequisite: BIO 331 (grade of C or better) and 348 (grade of C or better); or departmental approval. This course will provide students with an essential understanding of functional morphology in vertebrate tissues and organs. Pathology examples will be used to explain cellular and molecular basis of normal function related to structure. 2 Lec/4 Lab
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BIO 547. Comparative Vertebrate Embryology. (4 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: BIO 331 (grade of C or better) or departmental approval. Gametogenesis, fertilization, morphogenesis, and organogenesis of the frog, bird, and mammal. Particular emphasis is placed on mammalian development. 2 Lec/4 Lab.
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BIO 548. Insect Diversity. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: BIO 319 (grade of C or better) or departmental approval. An introduction to the insects with an emphasis on classification, identification, natural history, and evolution of insect orders and common families. (2 Lec/3 Lab) Credit will not be awarded for both BIO 548 and BIO 599: Topics in Biological Sciences: Introduction to Insects.
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BIO 549. Neurobiology. (3 Credits)
I. Prerequisites: BIO 331 (grade of C or better). A discussion of the cellular architecture of the nervous system, with emphasis on the biochemical and electrophysiological properties of neurons and glia that control cognition, learning and memory, emotion, sensation and perception, endocrine regulation, and neurological illness. An overview of molecular research methods used to investigate neural function.
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BIO 550. Animal Behavior. (4 Credits)
II. Prerequisite: BIO 111 (grade of C or better) and 112 (grade of C or better); or departmental approval. Advanced study of behavior with emphasis on inherited behavioral patterns in relation to the evolution and ecology of animals. 3 Lec/2 Lab.
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BIO 553. Mammalogy. (3 Credits)
I. Prerequisites: BIO 111 (grade of C or better) and 112 (grade of C or better); or departmental approval. Classification, natural history, field methods, and distribution of mammals. Requires participation in an extended field trip outside of normal class hours. 1 Lec/4 Lab.
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BIO 554. Ornithology. (3 Credits)
II. Prerequisite: BIO 111 (grade of C or better) and 112 (grade of C or better); or departmental approval. Avian biology with emphasis on field identification of local avifauna, anatomy, physiology, ecology, evolution, migration, economic importance, distribution, and behavioral patterns. Early morning field trips required. 2 Lec/4 Lab.
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BIO 555. Behavioral Ecology. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: BIO 316 (grade of C or better); or instructor approval. How behavior is influenced by natural selection in relation to ecological conditions. Emphasis on quantitative and experimental methods and on integrating theoretical ideas with field and laboratory evidence.
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BIO 556. Herpetology. (3 Credits)
II.. Prerequisite: BIO 319 (grade of C or better) or departmental approval. Natural history of the amphibians and reptiles including taxonomy, general ecology, behavior, distribution, breeding, and food habits. 2 Lec/3 Lab.
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BIO 557. Ichthyology. (3 Credits)
I. Prerequisite: BIO 319 (grade of C or better) or departmental approval. A phylogenetic examination of morphological, ecological, and behavioral diversification of fishes of the world, with special attention to the Appalachian fauna. Laboratory devoted to anatomy, identification, and reproductive strategies. 2 Lec/4 Lab.
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BIO 558. Freshwater Ecology. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: BIO 316 (grade of C or better) or departmental approval. Ecology of lakes and streams with special reference to physical, chemical, and biological factors. To include a variety of methods and instruments. 2 Lec/3 Lab.
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BIO 561. Fish Biology and Management. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: BIO 112 (grade of C or better) and 316 (grade of C or better); or departmental approval. Methods for assessment and analysis of fish populations and aquatic habitats, including age and growth, fecundity, food habits, and yield. Emphasis on economic and ecological importance of management decisions. 2 Lec/4 Lab.
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BIO 590. Ecology for Teachers. (3 Credits)
(3) I. Prerequisite: Senior Standing and BIO 100 (grade of C or better), BIO 102 (grade of C or better), or BIO 112 (grade of C or better). This course introduces ecology and the environment through an interdisciplinary approach beginning with the physical environment progressing to whole ecosystems and onto analyses of ecological sustainability. Classroom strategies and techniques will be modeled. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for ENV 590 or CNM 599.
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BIO 595. Topics in Field Biology:___. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: BIO 318 (grade of C or better) or 319 (grade of C or better); and departmental approval. Concepts, methods, analyses, and organismal identification used to study selected topics. Material will be taught using a combinations of lecture, discussion, and experiential learning via hands-on field activities. May be repeated up to a maximum of 12 hours provided subject matter is different each time. 1 Lec/4 Lab.
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BIO 598. Special Problems. (1-3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing; students must have the independent study proposal form approved by faculty supervisor and department chair prior to enrollment. Independent research in the biological sciences, under the guidance of a faculty member, which allows students to design a research problem and make experimental observations and conclusions. May be retaken to a maximum of six hours.
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BIO 599. Topics in Biological Sciences:___. (6 Credits)
A. Prerequisites: Senior Standing, BIO 111 (grade of C or better), BIO 112 (grade of C or better) and departmental approval. Special topics in the biological sciences of current interest to faculty and students may be presented through lecture, discussion, lab and field experiences, and reports. May be retaken to a maximum of nineteen hours, provided subject matter differs each time.
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Wildlife Management
WLD 317. Conservation of Wildlife Resources. (3 Credits)
(3) I, II. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or 102R or ENG 105 (B) or HON 102. Introduction to the principles and practices of conservation of plants and animals; requirements and values of wildlife resources; impact of human activities on resources. May not be used to satisfy area, major, or minor requirements. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for ENV 317.
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WLD 380. Wildlife Law & Law Enforcement. (3 Credits)
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WLD 381. Principles of Wildlife Management. (3 Credits)
I. Prerequisite or Corequisite: BIO 112 (grade of C or better) or departmental approval. Principles of wildlife management and their application to current management issues.
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WLD 382. Wildlife Population Analysis. (4 Credits)
I. Prerequisite or corequisite: BIO 316 (grade of C or better), STA 215 or STA 270 (grade of C or better), and Wildlife Management major; or departmental approval. Quantitative population ecology of vertebrates, with a focus on sampling and analysis of field data applicable to wildlife conservation. Credit will not be awarded for both WLD 382 and WLD 382W. 2 Lec/4 Lab.
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WLD 489. Wildlife Management Research and Writing. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisites: WLD 382 (grade of C or better); STA 215 or 270 (grade of C or better); junior or senior status; ENG 102 or ENG 105(B) or HON 102; and Wildlife Management major. Students will design and execute a research project or management plan. Emphasis placed on (a) writing a project proposal and (b) writing a final report. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for WLD 489W.
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WLD 489W. Wildlife Research and Writing. (3 Credits)
I, II. Prerequisites: WLD 382 (grade of C or better); STA 215 or 270 (grade of C or better); junior or senior status; ENG 102 or ENG 105(B) or HON 102; and Wildlife Management major. Students will design and execute a research project or management plan. Emphasis placed on (a) writing a project proposal and (b) writing a final report. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for WLD 489.
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WLD 583. Game Species Management. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisite or corerequisite: WLD 381 (C or better) or departmental approval. Biology and ecology of the major game species found in North America with emphasis on current management practices and problems. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for BIO 599/799 Special Topics: Game Species Management.
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WLD 584. Upland Wildlife Management. (4 Credits)
A. Prerequisite: WLD 381 (with grade of C or better) or departmental approval. Ecological principles and management strategies to preserve and enhance forest and grassland wildlife and their habitats. 2 Lec/2 Lab.
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WLD 585. Wildlife Resource Policy and Administration. (3 Credits)
II. Prerequisite: WLD 381 (grade of C or better) or Departmental approval. Discussion of state, regional, national, and international policies and agencies which impact management of wildlife resources; with emphasis on North America.
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WLD 586. Wetland Wildlife Management. (4 Credits)
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WLD 587. Urban Wildlife Management. (3 Credits)
A. Prerequisites or Corequisites: BIO 316 (with grade of C or better) and WLD 381 (with grade of C or better); or departmental approval. The strategies employed to manage urban wildlife and prevent/control animal damage in North America will be discussed. Credit will not be awarded to students who have credit for BIO 587.
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WLD 588. Fire Ecology and Management. (1 Credit)
(1) I. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or departmental approval. Course addressing fire behavior and skills related to fire prescription, wildfire suppression, and the role of fire in wildlife management. 2Lec/lab
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WLD 599. Topics in Wildlife Management. (1-6 Credits)
A. Prerequisites: Sr. Standing; BIO 316 (C or better), WLD 381 (C or better) and departmental approval. Special topics in wildlife management of current interest to faculty and students will be presented through lecture, discussion, and reports. May be retaken to a maximum of 6 hours, provided the subject matter differs each time.
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